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Demyx and Kathleen

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Demyx and Kathleen Empty Demyx and Kathleen

Post  Midoriko Fri Jan 18, 2008 5:36 am

Name: Demyx LostHeart
Nickname: Thorn
Age: 16
Assigned number: 0190
Binding word: WaterHorse
Injection: Black Panther DNA
Power(s): He can transform into a black panther and control shadows, darkness and bend light. He can disappear into a shadow and come out somewhere else. He can also turn darkness into a sword if he wants or throwing knives.
Gender: Male
Hair: Short and jet black
Eyes: Burnt Amber
Height: About 5.8
Weight: About 130 pounds
Body: He is lean, but does have some muscle
Clothes: What he is wearing in the picture minus the cross
Scars or other markings: Has a long scar from his left shoulder down to his left wrist
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: None (He doesn't like to flirt much, but girls seem to like him)
History: When Demyx was born his parents left him with his grandmother because they wanted no part in their sons live. Growing up was hard, Demyx was raised in a household full of strife and coolness. When he was 10 his grandmother died and Demyx ran away were he met up will a small gang of boys. By the time he was 15 Demyx was already the leader of the gang in which he called the Shadows. Demyx knew about his power from very early on, but hid it. Then one day he used it on another and ended up killing the person. Soon Demyx be called Thorn because he was hard, sharp and did not care for others. Then one day some men came and shot his whole gang and captured him, they took him to the Dome were he is today.
Picture: This is a picture of Demyx or Thorn

Here is a picture of his Panther form…Only his panther form as brown eyes instead of blue..

Name: Kathleen Dumenil
Nickname: Kathy
Assigned Hybrid: Demyx LostHeart, Number 0190
Age: 26
Hair: Purple
Eyes: Purple
Height: About 5.6
Weight: About 120 pounds
Clothes: What she has on in the picture
Scares or other markings: None
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: None
History: She doesn't really have one. She came from a rich family, but decided to go her own way and now she works with the government on hybrids.
Picture: Here is what she looks like..
Played by: Eclipse
Powerful Hybrid

Female Number of posts : 236
Age : 33
Location : Depends on who's ask'in and what ya want with me.
Registration date : 2008-01-04

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