Gifted but Caged
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Katie and John

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Katie and  John Empty Katie and John

Post  Midoriko Fri Jan 18, 2008 9:29 am

Name: Katie Driftwood
Nickname: Kate
Age: 17
Assigned number: 303
Binding word: CloverField
Injection: Deer DNA
Power(s): She can sing to make people calm down and she can transform into a Doe. She can also control plants, but only a little.
Gender: Female
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue, but in her deer form they are purple
Height: About 5.6
Weight: About 125 Pounds
Body: Lean, some muscle, but not much
Clothes: What she is wearing in the picture
Scars or other markings: Has a small birthmark of a cloverleaf on the right side of her back
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: None (Maybe later)
History: Kate never knew her really family, but she got along great with an older lady that took her in. Kate grew up to learn that if people are nice to others, then they will get something back. Kate loved the older lady she lived with and they lived happly until Kate started to get her powers. By the age of 15 she could sing lovely songs that made people happy and she could control plants. That is when the government came and took her away, they killed the older lady and Kate now lives at the Dome.
Picture: Here's her human form..

Here is her Deer form..

Name: John Chyme
Nickname: John
Assigned Hybrid: Katie Driftwood number 303
Age: 35
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green
Height: About 5.9
Weight: About 175 Pounds
Clothes: A suit and tie
Scares or other markings: None
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: None
History: He was born into a poor family and he wanted to become powerful. So he took a job for the Government and soon become a hybrid handler. Not very nice and likes to make his Hybrids do things that they normaly couldn't do. Now his going to work with Kate.
Played by: Eclipse
Powerful Hybrid

Female Number of posts : 236
Age : 33
Location : Depends on who's ask'in and what ya want with me.
Registration date : 2008-01-04

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