Gifted but Caged
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Pink Punk

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Pink Punk Empty Pink Punk

Post  Midoriko Mon Jan 07, 2008 12:22 pm

A gothic store, begin here.
Powerful Hybrid

Female Number of posts : 236
Age : 33
Location : Depends on who's ask'in and what ya want with me.
Registration date : 2008-01-04

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Pink Punk Empty Re: Pink Punk

Post  Midoriko Fri Jan 18, 2008 8:53 am

Hicoyo walked into the store that blasted music and smiled. "Yea! This is my kinda store!" She yelled and held the door open for Reina to come in, the small cat-fox ducked back into Hicoyo hair, hiding again.
Powerful Hybrid

Female Number of posts : 236
Age : 33
Location : Depends on who's ask'in and what ya want with me.
Registration date : 2008-01-04

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Pink Punk Empty Re: Pink Punk

Post  Eclipse Fri Jan 18, 2008 8:58 am

Reina walked in a smiled saying "Now this! This store is Haven! Wait I must pray....Wait no..Never mind.." Reina gave a laugh and started to look at all the clothes. She wasn't much into black black clothes, but she saw a small skirt that might make a good outfit. Turning toward Hicoyo Reina gave a gran and said "Well what do you think Thore would do if he saw me in this mini skirt...I bet he would be foaming at the mouth.." Reina gave a giggle and added "But he isn't getting anything from me.." Then Reina turned to look for a small shirt. Bounty gave a yawn on her head and began to wash her paws once more.
B Scientist

Female Number of posts : 465
Age : 34
Location : Probably Making More Roleplaying People That I Really Don't Need... ^-^
Registration date : 2008-01-10

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Pink Punk Empty Re: Pink Punk

Post  Midoriko Fri Jan 18, 2008 9:03 am

Hicoyo laughed and then picked up a shirt that was black but held and green fairy petting a cat, it was cute so she took it off the rack. Looking to the cat she mentally slapped herself. "Rei, I still havent name her." She said reaching by her neck she patted the cat fox's head again.
Powerful Hybrid

Female Number of posts : 236
Age : 33
Location : Depends on who's ask'in and what ya want with me.
Registration date : 2008-01-04

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Pink Punk Empty Re: Pink Punk

Post  Eclipse Fri Jan 18, 2008 9:06 am

Reina walked over to Hicoyo some clothes piled up in her arms. Giving a minute Reina said "Ummm What should you name here? I named Bounty FlamedBounty because she reminds me of fire and she looks like she would be wanted by everyone...UmmmI'm not sure..You should name her something that you would like..Anyway I'm going to change..Be right back.." Reina walked into the changing room and shut the door behind her. FlamedBounty flew off her shoulder and landed in one of the chairs by the dressing room. Curling up she started to nap.
B Scientist

Female Number of posts : 465
Age : 34
Location : Probably Making More Roleplaying People That I Really Don't Need... ^-^
Registration date : 2008-01-10

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Pink Punk Empty Re: Pink Punk

Post  Midoriko Fri Jan 18, 2008 9:14 am

Hicoyo put the clothes back and then coaxed the scared cat fox into coming out of her hair. Once done Hicoyo looked her over, in her thoughtful state somthing hit her, there was a flash of light, and then a womans face came to her mind, she dident know who she was, but Hicoyo felt like she'd known her all her life. "Live with my love..." Was all that echoed into her mind. Hicoyo snapped out of it when she fell to the floor, the catfox landing on its feet and running up to her, licking her face and making small meows. "I'm okay." She told her in a whisper and sat up. "But I think I know what I want to name you now....Lillium."
Powerful Hybrid

Female Number of posts : 236
Age : 33
Location : Depends on who's ask'in and what ya want with me.
Registration date : 2008-01-04

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Pink Punk Empty Re: Pink Punk

Post  Eclipse Fri Jan 18, 2008 9:16 am

Reina walked out in the short mini skirt and a small top that showed the tops of her brest. Looking around Reina ran toward Hicoyo and said "Are you ok?" Helping her to her feet Reina looked at Hicoyo and said "Be careful...It looked like you fainted..Don't let your gaurd down..Anyway what do you think?" Reina turned for Hicoyo and waited for her answer.
B Scientist

Female Number of posts : 465
Age : 34
Location : Probably Making More Roleplaying People That I Really Don't Need... ^-^
Registration date : 2008-01-10

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Pink Punk Empty Re: Pink Punk

Post  Midoriko Fri Jan 18, 2008 9:24 am

Hicoyo stood up and smiled. "Don't worry I'm fine." She said and picked Lillium up off the floor. "It's a little revealing for my taste, but it looks really good on you." She said with a smile. "Hem...uh, I was wondering Rei...." Hicoyo began to blush abit, due to that she turned her face away. "Do you think...Hunter likes me?"
Powerful Hybrid

Female Number of posts : 236
Age : 33
Location : Depends on who's ask'in and what ya want with me.
Registration date : 2008-01-04

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Pink Punk Empty Re: Pink Punk

Post  Eclipse Fri Jan 18, 2008 9:29 am

Reina looked at Hicoyo for a minute then said "Ummm maybe..With boys you can't tell..They ether like you or want you to mate with them because your paired up..." Reina gave a little growl and added "For me..I havn't had good times with boys...But Hunter might like you...He seemed to anyway.." Then Reina turned around once more and said "I'm going to buy this...I would love to wear it in front of Thore..Kinda like a Haha..Anyway just a minute.." Reina walked back into the dressing room and put back on her old clothes. Then walking back toward Hicoyo Reina said "Now what do you want?" Bounty saw her girl walking out of the room and she flew to her shoulder. Sitting on it she gave a purr of happyness.
B Scientist

Female Number of posts : 465
Age : 34
Location : Probably Making More Roleplaying People That I Really Don't Need... ^-^
Registration date : 2008-01-10

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Pink Punk Empty Re: Pink Punk

Post  Midoriko Fri Jan 18, 2008 9:32 am

"Hem...Hicoyo looked around the store, then suddenly grabbed a few clothes of the rack and ran into the changing room. "Be out in a minute!" She called as she started to change.
Powerful Hybrid

Female Number of posts : 236
Age : 33
Location : Depends on who's ask'in and what ya want with me.
Registration date : 2008-01-04

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Pink Punk Empty Re: Pink Punk

Post  Eclipse Fri Jan 18, 2008 9:35 am

Reina sat down on one of the chairs and waited for Hicoyo. She was having a great time shopping and hoped it won't turn. So far her day and been full of ups and deep downs. "What do you think Bounty?" Reina said as she patted her cat/bird, but all Bounty said was a soft meow.
B Scientist

Female Number of posts : 465
Age : 34
Location : Probably Making More Roleplaying People That I Really Don't Need... ^-^
Registration date : 2008-01-10

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Pink Punk Empty Re: Pink Punk

Post  Midoriko Fri Jan 18, 2008 9:40 am

Hicoyo soon came out, on her body was a bright blue top with black lightning on it, te sleaves were long and flared out, giving it an asian theme to it. A blue short skirt that zipped up on the sides and under neith that was a pair of black shorts, that emerged just below the short skirt, but not quite a mini skirt. Her legs were bare, but a set of black biker boots went up to her knees and gave her an inch of height to the red head. "What you think?" She asked as she turned, the outfit was custom made for hybrid who had tails, due to there was a hole for her tail to come out in it. The black markings of a tiger were on her legs aswell, but they it looked like a tattoo to most.
Powerful Hybrid

Female Number of posts : 236
Age : 33
Location : Depends on who's ask'in and what ya want with me.
Registration date : 2008-01-04

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Pink Punk Empty Re: Pink Punk

Post  Eclipse Fri Jan 18, 2008 9:44 am

Reina gave a clap of her hands and said "Wow! You look sexy! Hunter will fall for you big time now! Not to mension some other guys.." Reina gave Hicoyo a smile and said "Thats great..Get it and we can head for the music store...I would like to see if they have anything new.." Reina stood and waited for Hicoyo to pay for her things.
B Scientist

Female Number of posts : 465
Age : 34
Location : Probably Making More Roleplaying People That I Really Don't Need... ^-^
Registration date : 2008-01-10

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Pink Punk Empty Re: Pink Punk

Post  Midoriko Wed Jan 23, 2008 5:39 am

Hicoyo smiled and went back into the changing room, put her other clothes back on and then walked out. Going up to the counter she did the usual ritual of saying her name, number, and handler. With a black bag with words is gothic style bright pink "Pink Punk" written on it, she left the store with Rei, Lillium on her shoulder.
Powerful Hybrid

Female Number of posts : 236
Age : 33
Location : Depends on who's ask'in and what ya want with me.
Registration date : 2008-01-04

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Pink Punk Empty Re: Pink Punk

Post  Eclipse Wed Jan 23, 2008 7:20 am

Reina started walking backwards toward the music store. FlamedBounty stood on her shoulder licking one of her red paws. Giving Hicoyo a smile Reina ask "So what about you Hicoyo? You like Hunter?" Reina was knew know to ask such question, but she felt different now that she had a real freind. Then front of the music lomed before then and Reina entered with Hicoyo following.

((To The Music Store!!))
B Scientist

Female Number of posts : 465
Age : 34
Location : Probably Making More Roleplaying People That I Really Don't Need... ^-^
Registration date : 2008-01-10

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