Gifted but Caged
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B'Elana and Dave

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B'Elana and Dave Empty B'Elana and Dave

Post  Midoriko Tue Jan 08, 2008 7:43 am

Name: B'Elana Scott
Age: 15
Assigned number: 17914
Binding word:
Injection: Wolf
Earth power, can cause mountains to rise and fall at will, and has the ability to meld minds with any living thing or even computers. "beam me up” teleportation spell (Can only do it once in a twenty four hour period, otherwise her energy may not have enough power to turn back in matter again, And cant teleport into a place with electricity feilds surrounding it) And her favorite, the neck nerve pinch, which causes the victim to slum unconscous for the maximum of one hour.
Gender: Female
Hair: Black, when loose reaches down to ends of shoulderblades, but is ussually kept up in a mid-height pony tail
Eyes: Now, firey orange with hints of red on edges (wolf eyes)
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 115
Body: Lean, but she is strong do to foremly working in horse barns
clothes: Stylish, but causual, blue jeans with a cool light blue-gray T-shirt. Likes to where a small, blue grey hoodie around most of the time
Scars or other markings: Wolf claws extending from were the finger nails should be; silky black wolf ears onto of head, with no human ears anymore; extended canines like a wolf's on both upper and lower jaws; black fur on arms from fingers to elbows; Can lengthen and shorten bones in legs into a wolf's, giving her the ability to run very fast on four limbs
Boyfriend: None
History: She had walking by herself towards the local Ice Cream shop to meet some friends on a very hot day. The street was empty except for her, which made her an easy target. She put up a good fight, but they injected her with a paralyzing syrum that lasts for a few minutes

Name: David Donfield
Nickname: Dave
Assigned Hybrid: Hybrid 1701
age: 32
Hair: Black
eyes: Brown
Height: 150
Weight: 6'0
Clothes: White labcoat
Scares or other markings: None
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Marsha, but she does not come here often, says it gives her the creeps
History: He was a successful general surgeon, with a degree in neurolgy, but when he won the lottery once, he was overcome with greed. When a man asked him if he would like a easy job, he jumed when he said "One million dollars a month" and acceted. When he saw what the where doing in the lab, he first was shocked, but the cold cash was pressed in his hands, and he went aginst his hippocratic oath.
Played by: Speaking Skies
Powerful Hybrid

Female Number of posts : 236
Age : 33
Location : Depends on who's ask'in and what ya want with me.
Registration date : 2008-01-04

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