Gifted but Caged
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Kai and Jeord

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Kai and Jeord Empty Kai and Jeord

Post  Midoriko Wed Jan 09, 2008 11:47 am

Name: Kai
Age: 17
Assigned number: 34
Binding word: Horror
Injection: Wolf
Power(s): Can read minds, bring back lost or surpressed memories, and can control shadows, turning them into solid form if he feels the need.
Gender: Male
Hair: Long black hair pulled back and braided with his bangs being bright red and spiked to one side.
Eyes: Brown
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 136 pounds
Body: Lean, but considered muscular.
clothes: A black long sleeve shirt with a thin chain running from one shoulder to the next. A pair of black tirpp pants with chains and pair of black sneakers.
Scars or other markings: A scar on his side from a brutal beating, and an eyebrow ring.
History: Kai was the most powerful hybrid in the dome, until Hicoyo beat him. He was brought to the facilitys under servear conditions at the age of seven with his little sister Ayaka who was also captured. He was injected first but when they injected Ayaka her DNA wouldent take and she ended up being put to sleep. Now he's considered to be emotionally unstable, but a genius, he's responsible for more than 20 hybrid killings and tourchering his last handler into killing himself.

Name: Jerod Hith
Assigned Hybrid: Kai AKA 34
Hair: Cut short and brown.
eyes: Blueish green.
Height: 6'4"
Weight:178 pounds
Clothes: A white top with bluejeans and a lab coat.
Scares or other markings:
History: Was born into a poor family, and disgusted by that he had to claw and kanaive his way into collage, when he recived his degree in genetics, he was recruted for the program HWMI. He finds that these kids have nothing to better to do, than be trained, so he belives the facilitys are for a good reason. Unlike Kai's old handler he isent someone who is easily lead, and beats Kai whenever he gets the chance.
Played by: Midoriko
Powerful Hybrid

Female Number of posts : 236
Age : 33
Location : Depends on who's ask'in and what ya want with me.
Registration date : 2008-01-04

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