Gifted but Caged
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Nikolai and Jake

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Nikolai and Jake Empty Nikolai and Jake

Post  Midoriko Sat Jan 12, 2008 8:39 am

Name: Nikolai Kitsaukura
NickName: Nicholas K.
Age: 17
Assigned Number: 0606060
Gender: Male
Injection: Black Mountain Wolf
Power(s): Can breath fire and throw fire.
Hair Color: Black/Red
Eyes Color: Green
Hight: 6"3
Weight: 134lbs
Clothes: Same as the picture
Description: He grew up alone in a junkyard, he had no parents or siblings. So he had to raise himself. He can barely talk because he hardly knows English or any other language. When he turned 14, he was seen by a FBI Agent car and was forced into a bag and put to sleep with an injection, probably the same that made him a hybrid.


Name: Jake Setsu
NickName: Jake
Age: 29
Assigned Hybrid: Nikolai
Hair: Grey
Eyes: Red
Height: 6"5
Weight: 125
Clothes: Just like the picture below.
Scars or other markings: None
Story Behind Him: Little his known about Jake, he just showed up one day and applied for a job.
Played by: Nikolai
Powerful Hybrid

Female Number of posts : 236
Age : 33
Location : Depends on who's ask'in and what ya want with me.
Registration date : 2008-01-04

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