Gifted but Caged
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Rose and Tom

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Rose and Tom Empty Rose and Tom

Post  Midoriko Sat Jan 12, 2008 9:29 am

Name: Rose Lovegarden
Nickname: Rosey
Age: 16
Assigned number: 1056
Binding word: Moonlight
Injection: With Bluebird DNA
Power(s): She can fly with her blue wings and she can also talk to birds.
Gender: Female
Hair: White
Eyes: Blue
Height: About 5.7
Weight: About 110
Body: She's pretty skinny so that she can fly, but she still has some weight to her.
Clothes: She's wearing a short leather skirt and a neck tie top. Which is one of those shirts which has the neck tie string in the back.
Scars or other markings:She has a small scar on her right leg
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: None now
History: Rose lived a good life. Her parents were rich and she got anything she wanted, but it never made her happy. While her parents were out partying Rose would stay home and talk with her bird friends and play her violin. Then one day her mother and father find that she could in fact talk to birds and so then took her to a place were she could be fixed. Soon after her parents were found dead. The police wrote it off as a robbery killing and so closed the case. Rose on the other hand knew it had something to do with the people that were trying to help her. She found later after they toook her in to their building that they were going to turn her into something. Then one day Rose woke up and she found she had wings. Now she waits to be giving to her handler.
Picture: Here's a picture of her, but she only has the same body, wings and hair. The violin is her's too.

This picture is of her best friend Blue

Name: Tom Skinner
Nickname: Tom
Assigned Hybrid: Rose
Hair: Dark brown and white
Eyes: Gray
Height: About 6.0
Weight: About 200 pounds
Clothes: A tight fitting tie shirt and baggy jeans.
Scares or other markings: A big scar on his left arm
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: None
History: Tom used to work for the army and so his a rough type. After he was kicked out Tom too odd jobs until he came across the HWMI. They asked him if he wanted a job and he said yes. Now he works for them.
Picture: None
Played by: Eclipse
Powerful Hybrid

Female Number of posts : 236
Age : 33
Location : Depends on who's ask'in and what ya want with me.
Registration date : 2008-01-04

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