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Stormy, Thore, and Jaden

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Stormy, Thore, and Jaden Empty Stormy, Thore, and Jaden

Post  Midoriko Mon Jan 14, 2008 12:18 pm

Name: Stormy
Age: 18
Assigned number: 75
Binding word: Vixen
Injection: Red Fox
Power(s): Controls Lightning and electrisity
Gender: Female
Hair: Bright pink with two dark blue locks framing her face
Eyes: Light green
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 115 pounds
Body: Lean, muscular.
clothes: A chinese designed jacket that reaches her ankles, with short sleaves it also serves for a top. Black baggy pants and boots.
Scars or other markings:
History:Stormy and her younger brother Thore lived in a small village for some time before the government sent a village rade, Stormy had been hiding her powers but when she used them to protect her brother she became a target. They lived on the streets until the age of 10, when both were caught.

Name: Thore
Age: 18
Assigned number: 62
Binding word: Fox
Injection: Red Fox
Power(s): Pyrokinesis, controls fire to a greate extent, can also create it at will.
Gender: Male
Hair: Dark blue with two pink locks framing his face.
Eyes: Blue
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 147 pounds
Body: Lean
clothes: The same style as his sisters clothes but with long sleaves.
Scars or other markings:
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: A huge flirt, but no girlfriend.
History: He could only watch as his mother and father were killed trying to protect him and his sister, he had no idea his sister was one of "them" but she saved him and raised him until they were both caught, and around that time he gained his own powers.

Name: Jaden
Assigned Hybrid: 75 AKA Stormy & 62 AKA Thore
age: 30
Hair: Black with streaks of grey
eyes: blue
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 200 pounds
Clothes: A suite and tie.
Scares or other markings:
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Has a crush on Kiki
History: Jaden is one of the very few who ever have two hybrids at once, because of his unique ability to deal with hybrids, he was chosen to keep the two together, seeing as how when they were together, they made a deadly match.
Played By: Midoriko
Powerful Hybrid

Female Number of posts : 236
Age : 33
Location : Depends on who's ask'in and what ya want with me.
Registration date : 2008-01-04

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