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Arina and Jason

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Arina and Jason Empty Arina and Jason

Post  Midoriko Tue Jan 15, 2008 6:06 am

Name: Arina
Age: 16
Assigned number: 51
Binding word: Midnight
Injection: Panther and Raven
Power(s): Can control water to a great extinet and can shoot energy beams from her mouth that are precise and deadly.
Gender: Female
Hair: Indigo blue
Eyes: Purple
Height: 3'4" or 4'4" when standing on her back legs.
Weight: 110 pounds
Body: Muscular
clothes: A black top that runs all the down to her paws, with red pants that stop and her ankles.
Scars or other markings: She walks on all fours, due to her back legs at the thigh turn into the back legs of a panther.
History: No one, not even Kiki knows who was the "doner" for Arina's human geans, but she is the second to be born like Hicoyo, and she too dosent know her past.

Name: Jason
Assigned Hybrid: 51 AKA Arina
age: 28
Hair: Blond
eyes: blue-green
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 178 pounds
Clothes: A white shirt with blue jeans and lab coat.
Scares or other markings:
History: He was specially selected to be the handler of 51, and he excepted, choosing to make her more powerful than even Hicoyo.
Played by: Midoriko
Powerful Hybrid

Female Number of posts : 236
Age : 33
Location : Depends on who's ask'in and what ya want with me.
Registration date : 2008-01-04

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