Gifted but Caged
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TomBoy's Tavern

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TomBoy's Tavern Empty TomBoy's Tavern

Post  Kodiak Thu Jan 17, 2008 5:23 pm

A tough tomboy girl shop. Like black gloves, baggy jeanes, ect.

uh, begin here.

Things in Stock

Baggy Jeans (24) $12.95 comes in blue, black and brown
Tank top (10) $7.45 comes in dark pink, red, black, brown, dark purple
studded gloves (7) $4.44 comes in black and dark purple
Skateboarding shoes (17) $23.58 comes in black, white, grey, pink with black, and black with dark purple, white with green, black with red
Converse shoes (16) $26.84 comes in blue, black, red, grey, purple, pink
ripped jeans (12) $13.23 comes in black, blue, and grey
t-shirts (19) $8.34 comes in black, red, blue, pink, purple, grey, orange
Strong Hybrid

Female Number of posts : 147
Age : 30
Registration date : 2008-01-08

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