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Steel cages

Lil Robot
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Steel cages - Page 2 Empty Re: Steel cages

Post  Lil Robot Sat Jan 12, 2008 4:11 pm

"Listen..that necklace I had when I first came here, I found out it gave me the power to ressurect myself..I have tons more for anyone that needs/wants one..I'm going to the dorm.."

Deleted. Doesn't go with storyline.
-Lil Robot

Last edited by on Thu Jan 24, 2008 8:12 am; edited 1 time in total
Lil Robot
Lil Robot
C Scientist

Male Number of posts : 355
Location : Down the street, to the next city..
Registration date : 2008-01-11

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Steel cages - Page 2 Empty Re: Steel cages

Post  Eclipse Sat Jan 12, 2008 4:14 pm

Reina got up and with a slight twist of fear followed Scooter down the hall.

((I will continue in the dorm))
B Scientist

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Steel cages - Page 2 Empty Re: Steel cages

Post  MinaKitsune Sun Jan 13, 2008 1:17 pm

Anya was dragging me down the halls where you could hear scratches and growling, snarling and biting happening everywhere you turn. Anya led me to a door and placed me in a chair, she lifted my arm, pfft as if I couldn't do it myself. then a man in a lab coat came in with a needle, he put a white tape around my arm, making it so that you could see my veins, he dabbed my arm with something, some kind of liquid and he gently put the needle in my arm, extracting some blood, he took off the tape and handed me a band aid. I put the band aid on my arm and sighed. Anya began to escort me towards the pool again.

"Why did they need my blood?" I looked up, with a blank expression on my face as she looks down she nervously smiles. "Were seeing if you can re-produce..."she nervously scratches the back of her head as my eyes go buldged ( Shocked )

Female Number of posts : 53
Age : 29
Location : A Cage.
Registration date : 2008-01-07

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Steel cages - Page 2 Empty Re: Steel cages

Post  Nikolai Sun Jan 13, 2008 1:29 pm

Nikolai was sitting right outside the door, listening to what was happening. He stood up and shouted.
"HI!" And then just stood there waiting for them to stop staring and say something.
Collared Human

Male Number of posts : 29
Location : Who wants to know? >:O
Registration date : 2008-01-10

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Steel cages - Page 2 Empty Re: Steel cages

Post  MinaKitsune Sun Jan 13, 2008 1:42 pm

I stopped as I noticed Nick was there. "Oh, Hey!" I said, I walked up to him and looked back at my handler."This is my handler, Anya. Anya, this is Nick." I let them introduce each other as I stand by.

Female Number of posts : 53
Age : 29
Location : A Cage.
Registration date : 2008-01-07

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Steel cages - Page 2 Empty Re: Steel cages

Post  Nikolai Sun Jan 13, 2008 1:45 pm

Being very formal, I bowed politely. "Hi. Sorry I yelled...I..can't..." And he paused in silence for a few seconds.
"Talk!" Nikolai blurted out, accidentally falling over.
Collared Human

Male Number of posts : 29
Location : Who wants to know? >:O
Registration date : 2008-01-10

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Post  MinaKitsune Sun Jan 13, 2008 1:52 pm

I laughed as he fell over, I help him up as Anya lookes at him oddly. she then snaps out of it and begins "Well its nice to meet you, Nick." she paused before she said Nick, giving it a dramatic pause. I looked over at her and sighed, she was just so weird. though, not as weird as m--I tripped, over Anya's foot which just happened to be in my way, my face smashed the floor like a ton of bricks.

Female Number of posts : 53
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Post  Nikolai Sun Jan 13, 2008 1:55 pm

Nick pulled Mina up off the floor and asked, "Are you okay?" And he fixed her hair, just to be nice.
Collared Human

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Steel cages - Page 2 Empty Re: Steel cages

Post  MinaKitsune Sun Jan 13, 2008 2:03 pm

I smiled and brushed myself off, I looked up at Nick and said "Thanks for helpin' me up!" ( ^^ ) I patted his head, ruffling his spikey hair making it a total mess

Female Number of posts : 53
Age : 29
Location : A Cage.
Registration date : 2008-01-07

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Steel cages - Page 2 Empty Re: Steel cages

Post  Nikolai Sun Jan 13, 2008 2:06 pm

Nikolai fixed his hair back up and walked away, back to the pool room

((Continued in Pool Room))
Collared Human

Male Number of posts : 29
Location : Who wants to know? >:O
Registration date : 2008-01-10

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Steel cages - Page 2 Empty Re: Steel cages

Post  BlackFang Mon Jan 14, 2008 6:54 am

The first thing that Poseidon woke up to was the horrible sounds of other hybrids. Opening his eyes he tried to stand up, only to find that the cage he was in was too short. He saw that his feet had webbings that started halfway down his calves. He had the same webbings on his hands. It felt like there was something on his back and when he reached back to touch it he found it was a fin. Running his tongue over his teeth he found that they were quite sharp. There was something else that was strange. It seemed that he didn't have to breathe quite as often then he realized that he had gills.

"Well what do we have here?" Kal said to the newly waking hybrid. He was strong enough, but was he smart. "It seems that sleeping beauty is finally waking up." she said with a smile. Poseidon, however, wasn't in a mood for jokes. He jumped forward and tried to bend the bars. They only got a little bit when Kal said, "Firefish." and at those words he fell to his knees gripping his sides. It felt that his insides were on fire. After awhile the pain stopped and the Kal said, "Well now that you know not to cross me my name is Kally, but you may call me Kal." smiling she unlocked the cage and stepped back.

He did not want to go through that again, such pain. So he quietly stepped forward and stood up just outside the cage. "Follow me." She said and stepped out of the room.

(continued in the pool area.)

Strong Hybrid

Male Number of posts : 166
Age : 31
Registration date : 2008-01-12

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Steel cages - Page 2 Empty Re: Steel cages

Post  Eclipse Mon Jan 14, 2008 5:34 pm

Hunter watched the other hybrids on their cages. A small smile came to his lips, he was glad not to be one of them. Turning to his new handler Hunter gave her a smuge look and said "Well what now?" Pushing his glass back up his nose he waited for her reply.

June didn't really like this new hybrid. He was part horse and he was a male so that made it all the more difficalt. Giving her head a shake June said "Come on Hunter I'm suppose to show you to your room...Then after a couple of days we will have to do some tests." Started down the hall June hoped this new hybrid won't be to much trouble.

"Fine then.." Hunter said as he followed his new handler. He had only been in the lab for a month or so and he was ready to see what this place might hold for him. Looking around he only saw the white halls, hopefully this place was better looking then this.
B Scientist

Female Number of posts : 465
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Location : Probably Making More Roleplaying People That I Really Don't Need... ^-^
Registration date : 2008-01-10

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Steel cages - Page 2 Empty Re: Steel cages

Post  Kodiak Mon Jan 14, 2008 6:22 pm

Athena held on to the bars of her cage, her legs shaking weakly. She had just got some shot in her legs and now they were weak. She finnaly collapsed onto the steel cage floor. Her eagle wings hit the side of the cage. A tear streamed down her face. Why, why does my life have to be like this. Athena thought sadly. She stared blankly with afew tears streaming down her face. The walls were dark and a dull gray. There were few lights on but the computer screens.

Kia walked up to Athena. He looked disgusted. He hated birds and she was part eagle. He spat in her face and walked to the scientists complaining. Athena wiped the spit off of her face and sat up in her cage. Tears still wetting her face. Kia walked back over unhappily. "Suck it up princess!" He said to Athena as he saw her tears. He looked at her in the eyes. "Get used to me being mean like this girl, cuase we are going to be stuck with eachother for a long time." He said to her, his face in hers. Athena looked down. She wiped her tears. If I wish to not be pushed around,then I can't show I am breaking down. Athena thought sadly.
Strong Hybrid

Female Number of posts : 147
Age : 30
Registration date : 2008-01-08

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Steel cages - Page 2 Empty Re: Steel cages

Post  Kodiak Wed Jan 16, 2008 4:40 pm

"Come on you stupid bird girl, I will drop you off at the mall." He said, handing her 200$. He opened the cage and Athena put the money in her pocket. Kia walked her to the mall and then left to go do his own things.
Strong Hybrid

Female Number of posts : 147
Age : 30
Registration date : 2008-01-08

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Steel cages - Page 2 Empty Re: Steel cages

Post  Eclipse Fri Jan 18, 2008 7:50 am

Demyx watch the others leave and come. Sitting in the back of his cage he really didn't care one way or the other. His panther form flicked it's tail back and forth as he continued to watch the other hybrids in their cages. "What stupid things..." Demyx thought as one cried out in pain. He had been here for the better part of a month, the scientist were trying to find the right handler for him. "Hope it's someone better then the last.." He thought as his brown panther eyes search round the room. The his door opened and a male voice said "OK Kathleen this is him...Demxy hybrid number 999...Be careful with this one.." A girls face looked down in the cage and gave a small smile. "Don't worry his fine with me.." Demyx gave out a little growl when he left his cage, he didn't want to show any weaknees toward his new handler. Kathleen gave him a smile and said "Ok then...Lets get you to your room.." Walking through the door Demyx wondered what was in store for him now.
B Scientist

Female Number of posts : 465
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Location : Probably Making More Roleplaying People That I Really Don't Need... ^-^
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Steel cages - Page 2 Empty Re: Steel cages

Post  Lil Robot Fri Jan 18, 2008 8:19 am

Kitten awakened and noticed she was in a cage, "Ahh whatever" she said...watching the others being taken out of their cages.."I don't really care about where the heck I am.." she said in a normal voice..A scientist and a boy about the age of 26-28 were walking towards the cage..she then felt a small ache on her head, then she felt her head. It had two sharp ears like a wolf's ears...then she noticed a tail, "What the....??" she said in a quiet voice...the scientist came up to the cage with the boy.."This is Kitten, hybrid number 235146" The scientist said..Danny then said, "Uh...Hybrids don't have names.." then the cage opened slowly and Kitten sat there staring..then Danny pulled her out by the collar...Kitten was ready to attack..right before she attacked, Danny said "Clawfight!" and then she got shocked.."I don't like you, and you better not like me.." Danny said..then she walked out of the cage room with Danny..
Lil Robot
Lil Robot
C Scientist

Male Number of posts : 355
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Registration date : 2008-01-11

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Steel cages - Page 2 Empty Re: Steel cages

Post  Eclipse Fri Jan 18, 2008 9:34 am

Kate looked around the room and wondered why she was in here. They had taken her out of her cage an hour ago and no a man stood next to her with a clip board in his hands waiting. Then a tall man walked through the door and up to the scientist. They said a couple of words the turning toward Kate the scientist said "Now this is Kate...Hybrid number 303...She will be your new hybrid...She has Deer DNA..So.." Then her new handler gave a snort and said "Deer DNA? What are they going to give me next a hybrid with kitten DNA? Well whatever...You hybrid come on.." The man grab Kate by the shoulder hard and draged her down the hall. He gave a cruel smile and said "Lets see how you do with Kai...Heard he needs something to play with..Maybe if you die I can get a better hybrid.." Stopping at a steel door her handler opened it and threw Kate in. Then he said "Have fun..." Then the door closed.
B Scientist

Female Number of posts : 465
Age : 34
Location : Probably Making More Roleplaying People That I Really Don't Need... ^-^
Registration date : 2008-01-10

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Steel cages - Page 2 Empty Re: Steel cages

Post  BlackFang Thu Jan 24, 2008 4:39 pm

Connar was not happy. He had been in that stupid cage since he had woken up and furthermore they had put him in handcuffs. "I suppose that it isn't all that impractical." he thought to himself. He had after all killed one scientist and put the other in the asylum. "If that's the best they can do..." he couldn't finish his thought because yet another nervous scientist was walking up to the cage with some cowboy. He hoped that this isn't some kind of joke, because he was starting to get annoyed. "Here is your hybrid Charlie, be careful he's dangerous." the scientist was very jittery and not at all confident. Charlie on the other hand was completely cool and eager for a new challenge. The scientist opened up the cage and Connar leaped out. He was two inches away from touch the new guy and killing him, when Charlie said, "Break." and at those words Connar fell to the ground writhing and yelling out in pain. Careful not to touch him, Charlie picked Connar up by his shirt and dragged him out of the room. When they were out of the cage room Charlie gave him 200 dollars and a card key. "That's the key to whatever room you want, and there's your 200 dollar allowance. Enjoy." then he turned around and walked off somewhere thinking, "This is gonna be fun." Connar watched the man walk off and stood up, pocketing the card and the money. "Let's see where I'm gonna sleep." he said to himself, walking towards the dorms.

Strong Hybrid

Male Number of posts : 166
Age : 31
Registration date : 2008-01-12

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Steel cages - Page 2 Empty Re: Steel cages

Post  Kodiak Fri Jan 25, 2008 6:42 pm

Sootica found herself in a cage. She already knew why she was here, she had figured it out when she first woke up. She had been hearing rumors at school about something like this going. She moved her head to look around when a strand of black and red hair went infront of her face. She was shocked to find her hair now had red bits in it.

A man came towards her cage with a nice smile. "Hello, I am Hayden. I am your new handler. You have been injected with wolf DNA. You are now very fast and can shapeshift into a black wolf with red bits of fur. Would you like to go anywhere?" Hayden asked her. He was one of the few kind handlers. "My dorm please." Sootica said flatly. Hayden nodded and took her to her Dorm.
Strong Hybrid

Female Number of posts : 147
Age : 30
Registration date : 2008-01-08

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Steel cages - Page 2 Empty Re: Steel cages

Post  Kodiak Tue Jan 29, 2008 5:25 pm

Shade sat in his cage bored and angry at his family for giving him up. He knew that he could shapeshift into a bat. He had overheard the scientists. He sighed and waited for his handler Jessica to let him out. He was one of the lucky hybrids that had a nice handler.

Jessica finnaly came and let him out. "You can stay out for a while. Your curfue is 10:00 and 11:00 on the weekends." She said to him with a smile Shade nodded. He began to walk towards the dorms to find a roomate to stay with.

(to the dorms for me!)
Strong Hybrid

Female Number of posts : 147
Age : 30
Registration date : 2008-01-08

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Steel cages - Page 2 Empty Re: Steel cages

Post  Kodiak Sat Feb 09, 2008 11:16 am

Taz was lying down and staring up at the ceiling. She began to kick with one foot the cage while still lying down cause she was bored. She sighed and stopped kicking the cage. She started to fiddle around with the studs on her cuff until she got bored of that too. She stood up and saw a scientist staring at her. "What you look'n at nerd?!" She yelled, with a fist in the air and a threatening face. The scientist ignored her and started to walk away. 'Yeah, thats what I thougt benedict arnold!" She taunted, leaning against the back of her cage.

Her hanler finally came and looked at her. "Great, when I agreed to this job, I didn't think it meant this. Whatever, come on Taz." She said rolling her eyes and opening the cage. Reba grabbed her arm and began to drag her out. Taz's Tazmainine Devil side took over. She scratched Reb and Reb was furious. "Devilgrin!" She yelled at her. Taz froze and got shocked. Reb looked at her cut. "Stupid hybrids." She muttered. She dragged Taz by the ear and took her to the dorms area to find a room to stay in.
Strong Hybrid

Female Number of posts : 147
Age : 30
Registration date : 2008-01-08

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