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Hicoyo and Kiki

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Hicoyo and Kiki Empty Hicoyo and Kiki

Post  Midoriko Fri Jan 04, 2008 12:10 pm

Name: Hicoyo
Assigned number:43
Binding word: Loveless
Injection: Bengal tiger
Power(s): She has a deadly form of telekinesis called Vectors. These Vectors take the form of invisable or translucent arms extneding from her back. The max reaching power is 5 meters, but can use objects as deadly projectiles. These vectors are strong enough to block bullets, (with the exception of high pearcing armor amunition.) and powerful enough to rip metal.
Gender: female
Hair: Bright red with black tips, reaching the base of her back.
Eyes: The right is red like her hair while the left is emrald green, they are also an oval shape with thin slits in them for pupils.
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 110 pounds
Body: Lean, with a little mucile
clothes: Black tripp pants with chains and white stiching, a white short sleave shirt with a red rose fairy convayed on the front along with a pair of black boots.
Scars or other markings: Black jagged markings on her face and all over her body.
History: ?
Picture: Hicoyo and Kiki Hicoyo

Name: Kiki
Assigned Hybrid: Hicoyo AKA, 43
age: 25
Hair: Short black hair.
eyes: dark green.
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 125 pounds
Clothes: A tan top with a brown skirt, a white lab coat over that with an orb necklace and pair of glasses.
Scares or other markings: A small scar undernith her right eye.
History: Kiki's mother was a real drugy, at the age of ten Kiki's mother traded her for ten dollars and a fix. After she escaped from her "guardians" she lived on the streets till she was 14, until she had a chance encounter with one of the richist familys on the planet. She was sent to collage and soon recruted for the job of being head of HWMI. (Hybrids Without Means of Injection.) She is also Hicoyo's creator.
Played by: Midoriko
Powerful Hybrid

Female Number of posts : 236
Age : 33
Location : Depends on who's ask'in and what ya want with me.
Registration date : 2008-01-04

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