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Reina and Leon

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Reina and Leon Empty Reina and Leon

Post  Midoriko Fri Jan 11, 2008 5:50 am

Name: Reina Hunter
Nickname: Rei
Assigned number:028
Binding word: eclipse
Injection: Red Wolf
Power(s): She can transformer into a real looking Red Wolf and she can control fire. She cannot control both at once though, unless she is pushed to that point.
Gender: Female
Hair: Bright red
Eyes: Dark Brown
Height: About 5.7 from head to toe
Weight: About 120 pounds
Body: She is pretty lean, but still has some muscle.
Clothes: What she's waering in the picture
Scars or other markings: She has a small birth mark of a star on her right side on her back.
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: None right now
History: As a little girl Reina only knew her mother. Her father lefted them when she was very young and she never knew him. One day her mother met a man and fell in love with him. Reina was ok with that until her mother's new boyfriend started to attack strange around her. First he would touch her arm gentle and then other stuff would follow. Soon Reina had to hide from him because he was to pushy and wanted more. Her mother did nothing and soon Reina live in a world full of fear. Finally he got her one night and tried to force his way onto her, but her mother came in with a shape knife cursing and trying to kill him. He grab the knife and ended up killing both himself and Reina's mother. Reina was 14 when she saw her mother killed and so she went to live with family. Then some strange people came and took her away and by the age of 17 she become a hybred.
Picture: The first picture is of her human side, only she has red ears and a tail. She alao has claws.

Second picture is of her Red Wolf form.

Name: Leon TieWing
Nickname: Leo
Assigned Hybrid: Reina
Age: 25
Hair: Jet Black and it's spiky
Eyes: Dark Gray
Height: About 6.1
Weight: About 200 pounds
Clothes: Leather jacket with a white shirt underneath. Dark blue jeans and he wears a chrsent moon necklace.
Scares or other markings: He has a small scar underneath his left eye.
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: He has a little crush on Reina because she reminds him or a girl he love once.
History: Leon was a loner and birth and he did nothing with others. His family died in a car crash and so Leon live alone from the age of 18. He had odd jobs until someone came to him and told him about HWMI. Leon decided to take the job and so he works for them.
Played by: Eclipse
Powerful Hybrid

Female Number of posts : 236
Age : 33
Location : Depends on who's ask'in and what ya want with me.
Registration date : 2008-01-04

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