Gifted but Caged
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Matt and Juro

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Matt and Juro Empty Matt and Juro

Post  Midoriko Fri Jan 11, 2008 11:53 am

Name: Matthew
Nickname: Matt
Assigned number: 6660
Binding word: Danger
Injection: White tiger with wings
Power(s): Can turn into a white tiger with large white wings.Controls energy waves and has a white force that protects him at will.
Gender: Male
Hair: Black
Eyes: Grey blue
Height: About 6.0 from head to toe
Weight: About 120 pounds
Body: He is lean, most of his body is muscle.
Clothes: Black and white hoody, red t-shirt and white cap.
Scars or other markings: Three claws marks on left chest and gun shot wound on back of leg. Tribal tatto's are both arms
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: None at the moment
History: Matt lived with his uncle all of his life. His parents he never knew and to his knowing are dead. His uncle hated him and beat him badly. Untill he was sent away from his uncle for trying to kill him. He lived in a young affendors camp for 2 years. When he was 15 ran off and lived on the streets for a year and was picked up by the goverment. He punched and kick, finally got away. He ran as fast as he could untill they shot him in the back of his leg. They took him away and now is a hybrid

Nickname: None
Assigned Hybrid: 6660
age: 30 years old
Hair: Blonde
eyes: Brown
Height: 5,6
Weight: 140
Clothes: Black suit
Scares or other markings: None
History: Has been working for the goverment since 25 years old. He has been past different hybrids alot the years he have been there. Hated teen and kids since he was bullied in his younger years. Now is mean and dangerous.
Played by: Fenris
Powerful Hybrid

Female Number of posts : 236
Age : 33
Location : Depends on who's ask'in and what ya want with me.
Registration date : 2008-01-04

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