Gifted but Caged
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Matt's room

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Matt's room Empty Matt's room

Post  Fenris Fri Jan 11, 2008 12:05 pm

I was pushes into my home bedroom quickly the door slamled behind me. I trotted over to the bed and jump on. I was still some type of animal now. I didnt know if would ever be my old self again. But soon enough i turned into human. I wondered how i did it and why i could change. I looked at my hands and clothes everything was the same. Even the stuff in my pockets, my ipod, penknife and 10 dollars. I reached for my I-pod and put the headphones into my ears. I lay back on the hard bed and play my songs. I looked up at the dark murky roof.

Male Number of posts : 60
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Registration date : 2008-01-11

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Matt's room Empty Re: Matt's room

Post  Fenris Sat Jan 12, 2008 4:28 am

Matt opened his eyes and see's the same murky roof, it was not a dream. He sits up and wipes his face and rubs his eyes.As he yawns he realize the daylight coming through the window. Matt walks over to it and peers out. This place seem happy and kind. Yet cage and locked up. He sighed and walked over to a tap and a mirror. Matt leans over the sink and then turns it on. The water was cold but clean, he let the water run into his hand and clean his face. Looking back the mirror he see's my hair is a mess and all over the place. Matt quickly splash some water over my head and spike my black hair. He runs over to his bed and grabs his shoes and jacket. Then quickly runs to the door, he opens it with care and quiet. Matt walks out and shuts the door behind. Matt though "So let find out what this place is" and walked on.

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Matt's room Empty Re: Matt's room

Post  Eclipse Sat Jan 12, 2008 9:38 am

Rose let out a cry when she bumped into the boy. Rose almost dropped her violin case, but grabed it just in time. Bowing her head Rose said softly "I'm.....Sorry..I wasn't looking..." The little bluebird flew to her shoulder and landed, giving a couple of twites it took off into the room. Turning her head Rose glanced at the boy and said "I guess....Were are room mates....Nice to meet you....My name is Rose." Rose backed up a little and gave the boy another small bow. Her wings held tight agiasnts her body.

Stepping aside Rose streached out her hand and added "You can go now...I'm sorry again..I should have been looking were I was going." Rose gave the boy a smile and waited for him to reply.
B Scientist

Female Number of posts : 465
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Location : Probably Making More Roleplaying People That I Really Don't Need... ^-^
Registration date : 2008-01-10

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Matt's room Empty Re: Matt's room

Post  Fenris Sat Jan 12, 2008 12:26 pm

I turn and looked at the girl who had just bang into me. "Dont worry about it." I started to walk off, then quickly turned round. "Oh..Im Matt." I said while walking backwards slowly. I turn round a walked off. I didnt really know where i was going and walked back to the room. It was better to talk to my new roommate, then run into the blonde haired man again. I peered my head round the door and spoke. "Are you new here?" I asked being as friendly as possible.

Male Number of posts : 60
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Matt's room Empty Re: Matt's room

Post  Eclipse Sat Jan 12, 2008 12:49 pm

Rose walked up to one of the beds and placed her voilin on it. She looked around and saw that it was nothing much. Mostly three beds a small table and window. Rose gave a small sigh and took out her violin and began to clean it. Then her friend Blue flew down from the rafters and landed on her shoulder. "Well getting bored aren't you?" Rose asked her friend. Then she went back to cleaning her violin.
B Scientist

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Matt's room Empty Re: Matt's room

Post  Fenris Sat Jan 12, 2008 12:59 pm

I look over and wait for a reply that didnt come. she had better things to do then talk to me. Like clean her guitar thing and talk to her bird i thought. I moved away from the door and walked off. My hands firmly in my pockets and my head watching the floor. I was hungry and went for food.

Male Number of posts : 60
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Matt's room Empty Re: Matt's room

Post  Fenris Sat Jan 12, 2008 2:48 pm

I opened my dorm door and walked in. I saw a cystal on the floor, i kicked it out of the door with my foot. I shut the door and threw my jacket on my bed. i quickly grab my i-pod and listen to my music.I flexed my arms and lay on the floor. I pushed and started to do push ups. "1...2...3.....4" i counted and listened.

Male Number of posts : 60
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Matt's room Empty Re: Matt's room

Post  Eclipse Sat Jan 12, 2008 2:52 pm

Rose turned to see her room mate walk into the room. She gave a smile and watched him as he started a small work out. After a minute Rose put her violin away and sat at the edge of her bed loking out the window. Her friend Blue flutered beside her and started making sound. Rose picked him p and said "Stop it now...Leave that boy be.." Then turning Rose watch the boy continue his work out. She gave a smile and walking over to him bent over his head and asked "Hello??"
B Scientist

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Matt's room Empty Re: Matt's room

Post  Fenris Sat Jan 12, 2008 2:57 pm

My new roommate made me jumped. I turned to face her, my hand slipped and i lost balance. I had landed on my face but then rolled over to my back. "Ow" i said while starting to stand up. I rubbed my face and looked back at the girl. "Sorry im a bit cumsy" i said

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Matt's room Empty Re: Matt's room

Post  Eclipse Sat Jan 12, 2008 3:02 pm

Rose let out a giggle and then reached out her hand. Helping the boy to his feet she said "I'm sorry about that...It's nice to meet you...My name is Rose...O and my little bird friend here is Blue." Rose pointed to the small bluebird that had taken to the rafters. She sat down on the nearest bed and croosing her legs over asked "So...Whats your name? I'm sorry again if I frecked you out...I tend to do that a lot." Lefting her wings slightly she gave him a warm small and added "Ever sense I had these big blue wings I seem to freck people out a lot...Even other hybrids." Pushing the hair from her face Rose waited for the boy to reply. He was good looking, but she wanted to get to know him better first.
B Scientist

Female Number of posts : 465
Age : 34
Location : Probably Making More Roleplaying People That I Really Don't Need... ^-^
Registration date : 2008-01-10

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Matt's room Empty Re: Matt's room

Post  Fenris Sat Jan 12, 2008 3:12 pm

"Thanks" i smiled as i took her hand. She sat as did i on the bed across from her. I looked at her blue wings in amazment. It was impressive how she had grow to live with them. Unlike myself i didnt want to turn to my animal form, or show my wings. "Im Matt, its fine. You didnt freak me out, just made me jumped thats all." I said with a smile. I looked at the small blue bird and grin, then quickly look back at the Rose. "So Rose are you new here?" I wondered. I liked Rose she was kind and cute, maybe the people here were nice.

Male Number of posts : 60
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Matt's room Empty Re: Matt's room

Post  Eclipse Sat Jan 12, 2008 3:19 pm

Rose nodded her head a bit and answered "Yes...I was turned a couple of weeks ago...I had to wait for my handler..His pretty nice..I guess." Glance up Rose saw her Blue fly down and land near Matt. A smile broke out across her face and she said "I think he likes you....Normaly he stays away from other people..So Matt what kind of hybrid are you...If you don't mind me asking.." Rose knew what she was, but so far Matt was the only other hybrid she had ever talked to. Waiting for his reply Rose fixed her mini skirt. "Next time I wear something better.." She thought to herself.
B Scientist

Female Number of posts : 465
Age : 34
Location : Probably Making More Roleplaying People That I Really Don't Need... ^-^
Registration date : 2008-01-10

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Matt's room Empty Re: Matt's room

Post  Fenris Sat Jan 12, 2008 3:25 pm

I watch the blue bird fly near me, and smiled i was going to see if i could stroke him but i didnt want to scare him. I looked back at Rose and replied. "Well...Erm.. I dont know really. I dont know much about animals." I smiled, i felt very stupid. I was embrasrest about the fact i did not know what animal i was.

Male Number of posts : 60
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Matt's room Empty Re: Matt's room

Post  Eclipse Sat Jan 12, 2008 3:33 pm

Rose taped her fingures on the side of her face. She looked at Matt and tried to figure it out. Then a thought came to her and she said "Why don't you try turning..If you can..Just feel deep within you and try....I do the samething so I can fly..Watch." Rose closed her eyes and started to feel light, then when she opened them once more she saw that she was in the air. Her wings beat gentle and she hovered over Matt and Blue. "See" she called down "If you just think about it you can probably change." Gentle touching back down to the room floor Rose walked over to Matt and touch his face gentle. "Ummm..." she said "I know your not a bird of some kind...Maybe a wolf, fox or a tiger...I would sometimes hear the sceintist talk about how bigger boys would usally turn into wolves or tigers.

Taking her hand off Matt's face Rose walked over to her voilin case and opened it. Taking out a couple of picture, she walked back over to Matt and said "See...This one on the right is a tiger and on the left is a wolf...Why don't you think about one of those animals and see what happens..." Rose waited for Matt to reply. She hoped he didn't get to imbarrissed from her touching his face.
B Scientist

Female Number of posts : 465
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Location : Probably Making More Roleplaying People That I Really Don't Need... ^-^
Registration date : 2008-01-10

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Matt's room Empty Re: Matt's room

Post  Fenris Sat Jan 12, 2008 3:43 pm

I watch Rose fly higher into the air. "Amazing" i said under my breath. She walked closer to me and touched my face. Her hands were calm and peaceful, i looked up at her with my blue eyes and gave a soft smile. She walked off and show me two pictures. I studied both carfully then looked over at my bed. The black stripes onn my jacket made me think of the tiger. I looked back at the pictures and spoke. "Ok ill try." I closed my eyes and thought of the tiger. I felt a strange feeling inside me, it was wierd. I opened my eyes to see Rose's legs. I looked up slowly untill i found her face. I opened my wings and dug my claws in the floor. "What am i?" I asked in a shaky voice. Hoping she would know the answer

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Matt's room Empty Re: Matt's room

Post  Eclipse Sat Jan 12, 2008 3:50 pm

Rose took a step back and cried out. Matt hand turned into a tiger, but not just a normal one one with wings. Rose closed her mouth and kneld before Matt, her hand gentle patting his head. A calm smile came to her face and she said "Well Matt...I guess your a tiger...And a bird..You look...Very nice." Rose felt herself blush as she said it and turned away for a moment. Blue came and landed on her shoulder giving off a couple of notes, Rose turned and giving Matt a smile said "Blue thinks that your the wiredest looking bird ever...But he likcs your wings....I do as well." Rose touch Matt's wing tips gentle and standing up said "Why don't we held out to the field? Then we can see if your tiger form can fly...I can teach you if you wish." Folding her arms across her chest Rose waited for Matt's reply.
B Scientist

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Matt's room Empty Re: Matt's room

Post  Fenris Sat Jan 12, 2008 3:57 pm

I smiled at her, i spoke not nowing if she could hear. "Thank you, so much." I started to think to myself a tiger-bird huh...Sounds ok." I quickly thought of myself and soon enough i was back to my human form. I stood up, my face close to rose's. I gave a quick grin and spoke still close to her face. "Lead the way, Rose"

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Matt's room Empty Re: Matt's room

Post  Eclipse Sat Jan 12, 2008 4:00 pm

Rose gave a smile and turned from Matt. Opening the door Rose looked around and started down the hall. As she walked Rose put her blonde hair up so that it would not hang in front of her eyes. Turning around she said "This way Matt.." Then she followed the hall down toward the field door.

((Continue on Open Field topic))
B Scientist

Female Number of posts : 465
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Matt's room Empty Re: Matt's room

Post  Fenris Sat Jan 12, 2008 5:11 pm

I followed Rose into the dorm. "I bet you do, just kiddin." I tried to make a joke about it. I didnt want to go to the labs, or anywhere near the people who bought me here. Tying not to show any pain, i lift off my top and place it on my bed, i turn around showing my back to Rose. As i dont face Rose i close my eyes tight in pain. I forced myself to speak. "S-see nothing broke" I said and tried quickly to put my top back on.

Male Number of posts : 60
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Matt's room Empty Re: Matt's room

Post  Eclipse Sat Jan 12, 2008 5:17 pm

Rose grabbed Matt's shirt and held it up. Blue and Black bruses covered his back and Rose almsot cried out. She gentle place her hand on his back and she heard him cry out. Taking her hand away Rose shook her head and said "Matt this looks bad you have to go see someone...I don't want to touch your back because I'm afraid I'll hurt you.." Rose turned to see a little fear in his eyes and so slowly Rose went and opened a small bow. Taking out a tobe she went back and began to place the stuff from the bottle on Matt's tender back. Rose gave a small smile and said "This will help...I don't think you have any broken bones, but this will spot the brusing...And maybe some of the pain."

After she was done Rose sat down and faced Matt. Her eyes hard she looked at him and said "Matt...Tell me really...Why do you hurt yourself like that?"
B Scientist

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Matt's room Empty Re: Matt's room

Post  Fenris Sat Jan 12, 2008 5:25 pm

My back hurt badly as she touch it. I flinched and then stood still. "Thanks" i said softly.Then i watched Rose sit down and ask me why i did it. I sat down next to her, forgeting the pain i spoke. "I didnt plan to fall you know.....Just showing off." I looked at the floor. "I didnt mean to scare you. Im sorry for that." As soon as i stopped talking the pain started to grow back in my back.

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Matt's room Empty Re: Matt's room

Post  Eclipse Sat Jan 12, 2008 5:28 pm

Rose gave a small sigh and then said "Ok very well I believe you...Now please go lay down...On your front.." Rose walked over to the table to started to write something on a piece of paper. Turning toward Matt she said "I think if you arn't well by tomarrow we will have to take you in...I don't want you to get interal bleeding." Then she turned her head back to her paper.
B Scientist

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Matt's room Empty Re: Matt's room

Post  Fenris Sat Jan 12, 2008 5:31 pm

I stood up and walked to my bed and lay down. I slowly take my shoes off and looked over at Rose.Who was now writing down something. I started to wonder what she was writing and if it was about myself. "I know your trying to help, but im not going to see anyone." i said and turned away

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Matt's room Empty Re: Matt's room

Post  Eclipse Sat Jan 12, 2008 5:38 pm

Rose placed the paper down and turned back toward Matt. "Matt you have to see someone...I don't want you to die...It might look like nothing, but it can get worse." Walking over she sat down on Matt's bad and began to stroke his black hair. "Please Matt..For me.." Rose's blue eyes began to tear up.
B Scientist

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Matt's room Empty Re: Matt's room

Post  Fenris Sun Jan 13, 2008 6:13 am

I knew she was helping me and she cared. But Rose didnt know my handerler. If he saw me it would get worst. I looked back at her she was upset, she didnt want me to die. I sat up inoring the pain and face her crying face. "Trust me Rose, illl be fine. Nothing will happen if i stay, but if i go i will get worst." I held her hand softly, i was to cheer her up a bit. But i didnt think it was working. "Ive had worst then this. I can take it." I smiled.

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Matt's room Empty Re: Matt's room

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