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Matt's room

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Matt's room - Page 2 Empty Re: Matt's room

Post  Eclipse Sun Jan 13, 2008 12:58 pm

Rose gave a small sigh and said "Very well Matt...I won't tell anyone...But if you get any worse I'm going to drag your butt down there got that?" Rose gave Matt a big smile and added "Would you like me to play some music? I know how to play the violin.." Walking over to her bed Rose opened the small case and lifted out a small violin. It had been a birthday gift from her grandmother long ago and Rose never let it out of her site. Placing on her neck she began to play a soft slow song. It was a little sad, but it picked up in the end. Placing her violin back down Rose smiled at Matt and asked "Well? I'm not that good, but I try."
B Scientist

Female Number of posts : 465
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Location : Probably Making More Roleplaying People That I Really Don't Need... ^-^
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Matt's room - Page 2 Empty Re: Matt's room

Post  Fenris Sun Jan 13, 2008 1:06 pm

I nodded and watched Rose pick up her vioilin. "Oh..So thats what that is." I said looking at it with curiosity. I listened to the soft tune Rose play. It was beautiful calm melody, i close my eyes and listen to the incheanting music. She stops and i stand up and look over at her. "It was amazing, what beautiful music comes from such a small wooden tool." I smiled at her.

Juro walked closer to 6660 dorm room and bangs onto the door with force. He stands with his arms crossed waiting for a reply.

Male Number of posts : 60
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Matt's room - Page 2 Empty Re: Matt's room

Post  Eclipse Sun Jan 13, 2008 1:13 pm

Rose looked at the door and then placing her violin uder her bed said quitely "Put your shirt back on and sit on the bed...I'll see who it is.." Walking to the door Rose opened it slightly and seeing the man she said "Hello Sir may I help you?" She let the door open just a little so that no one would be able to see inside that well.
B Scientist

Female Number of posts : 465
Age : 34
Location : Probably Making More Roleplaying People That I Really Don't Need... ^-^
Registration date : 2008-01-10

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Matt's room - Page 2 Empty Re: Matt's room

Post  Fenris Sun Jan 13, 2008 1:18 pm

I quickly put my shirt on and forget about my back. As soon as my red top touched my back i yelped. I quickly covered my mouth and closed my eyes. Slowly i open them and finish putting my shirt on.

Juro looks at the girl and speaks. " Tell hybrid 6660, to get out here out and stop hiding." he started to raise his voice to the girl as she tried to hide something. He quickly places his foot in the doorway to stop the girl from shutting the door.

Male Number of posts : 60
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Location : Lost in time.....
Registration date : 2008-01-11

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Matt's room - Page 2 Empty Re: Matt's room

Post  Eclipse Sun Jan 13, 2008 1:23 pm

Rose nodded her head quickly and said "Yes...Sir.." Turning her head around Rose said to Matt "Matt...Your handler is here..." Turning back to Juro Rose gave a small smile and said "He will be right out...Sir...He was just alseep.." Rose could tell that this man wasn't to be messed with. So she might as well show him that she meant no harm.

Tom walked down the hall toward his Hybrids room. This would be his third one this year. The others were to soft he wanted one that would make it through his survive training. Turning the corner Tom saw Juro pushing the door open of a room. "Well I'll be damned I guess my hybrids in the same room as his..Better get there soon before he kills it.." Tom walked a little faster.
B Scientist

Female Number of posts : 465
Age : 34
Location : Probably Making More Roleplaying People That I Really Don't Need... ^-^
Registration date : 2008-01-10

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Matt's room - Page 2 Empty Re: Matt's room

Post  Fenris Sun Jan 13, 2008 1:44 pm

I grabbed my jacket and grabbed my trainers. I slowly put them on trying to buy some time before i see Juro. I walk slowly over to the door my back hurting as i walk. I came to the door not looking at Juro i walk out.

Juro quickly grabbed the hybrids cap an throws it on the floor. "Dont you have no manners, boy!" He shouted and pushed Matt down the hall.

I turn round and grab my hat off the floor and quickly give it to Rose. I slap his hand as he pushes me. "Dont touch me!" I said looking him in the eyes.
Juro slaps Matt right across the face. "Listen! No your place. Im the master and your my hybrid. Get use to it" he said and looks down at Matt who now lay on the floor. "Get up and move, now!" He shouted again

I stand up my back burning and my face hurting. I growl at him and try to punch him."I have no master!" I shouted at him.

Male Number of posts : 60
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Location : Lost in time.....
Registration date : 2008-01-11

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Matt's room - Page 2 Empty Re: Matt's room

Post  Eclipse Sun Jan 13, 2008 1:52 pm

Rose watches in horror as Matt is slapped across the face by his handler. "Please stop!" Rose cried. "I don't know what to do.." Rose thought as she watched. She had never been able to help, not even her own parents.

Tom saw what Juro was doing and quickly grab him from behind. "Hay there Juro stop that...If you keep doing this your going to become my number one enemy." Tom said and turned Juro to face him Tom gave a mean stare. "You do not want to be MY enemy...Got that.." Tom had seen Juro mistreat him hybrids before, but now it was to much. Looking over his shoulder Tom saw both hybrids looking at him. Giving a grunt Tom said "You two go back in your room...I'll deal with this man." Turning back toward Juro Tom said in a mean way "If you continue to hurt your hybrids I'm going to file a complant...And you already have 4 of them..One more and your going to get in big time got that?!?" Tom pushed the man away from him and stood at the door. There was no way he was going to get his hybrid now.
B Scientist

Female Number of posts : 465
Age : 34
Location : Probably Making More Roleplaying People That I Really Don't Need... ^-^
Registration date : 2008-01-10

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Matt's room - Page 2 Empty Re: Matt's room

Post  Fenris Sun Jan 13, 2008 1:59 pm

I sit by the door with my head on my knee's. My face hurt badly it felt buised but i still didnt look up. I was grateful to the man who had stopped Juro and wanted to thank him. But i was frozen in shock. Memories of my uncle and how he beat me badly. And then how i tried to kill him, i close my eyes tight and whine.

Juro smiled at Tom and laughed. "Of corse not tom.. I dont want you as my ememy!" He said calmly yet agressivly. He walked closer to Tom looking right into his eyes with my own. "Move now....Im not playing any game with you Tom. Im losing my paitience with you" he said more violently then before.

Male Number of posts : 60
Age : 31
Location : Lost in time.....
Registration date : 2008-01-11

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Matt's room - Page 2 Empty Re: Matt's room

Post  Eclipse Sun Jan 13, 2008 2:08 pm

Rose walked over to Matt and touch his red face. Giving a small smile Rose said "Don't worry Matt...Tom might be able to keep your handler away for a little bit...Please your ok now.." Rose gave Matt a small hug and added "Plus I won't let anything happen to you." Rose looked toward her friend Blue and gave a sound. Blue can down from his stop and landed on Matt's knee. Giving a smile Rose said "Look even Blue is going to look out for you.."

((Just to let you know Tom was in the army before he got this job...Plus his like 6.0 and 200 pounds.))

Tom looked down at the other man and gave a tooth grin. "Really now Juro did you have wax in your ears before? I told you I'm not moving from this spot...And don't look at me that way my grandmother used the same stare and she was a lot scaryer then you..And she was 86 years old!" Crossing his big arms over one another Tom gave Juro a mean stare and added "Now you best be moving...Or would you like to end up in one of those hybrid cages?" Tom had been in the army for 10 years and knew his way around. Killing was his game, but sense his last mission he had gone quiet. There was no way this little guy was going to do much harm, but Tom was always ready. The army trained him, they trained him GOOD.
B Scientist

Female Number of posts : 465
Age : 34
Location : Probably Making More Roleplaying People That I Really Don't Need... ^-^
Registration date : 2008-01-10

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Matt's room - Page 2 Empty Re: Matt's room

Post  Fenris Sun Jan 13, 2008 2:42 pm

I lifted my head and felt a bit better as Rose touched my face. I smiled and quietly talked. "Im great that you hjave a great handerler Rose. And thank you." He added while looking at Blue. "And thanks buddy." I softy stroke his blue feathers.

Juro looked at Tom in disgust. "Tom you have just made a big mistake! Ive worked here longer then you and know my way around. If i were you...I wouldnt get invovled in my affairs." He starts to walk away. "They always end badly! Danger!" He shouted and walked out off sight.

I sharp volt went right though my body. Starting at my neck right to my legs. I yelped in paion and rolled to my stomach.

Male Number of posts : 60
Age : 31
Location : Lost in time.....
Registration date : 2008-01-11

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Matt's room - Page 2 Empty Re: Matt's room

Post  Eclipse Sun Jan 13, 2008 4:04 pm

Rose cried out and shouted for help as Matt lay on the floor. Tom walked in a bent over Matt. "Hay kid you Ok? Jeez you don't look to good.." Tom picked up Matt and lay him on his bed gentle. Then he turned toward Rose and crossed his arms. "Well little mis I guess your friend here is the hybrid to Juro...Nasty piece of work that one...Anyway your friend there should be fine...By the way are you.." Tom took a minute to remember then said "Rose right? Ya sorry..I'm not that good with names you see..." Tom rubbed the back of his head and added "O about the other guy...Don't worry about him...He might say all that, but he never goes through with it...I've pissed him off more then once, but if were to ever tell on me they would never be able to find the body.." Tom gave a small laugh and turning toward Matt said "You better lay there for a couple of minutes kid...Moving won't do you any good...O yes Rose.." Turning toward Rose Tom added "I was going to take you out in the field today, but it looks like I'll have to be keeping an eye on you two...Juro might want to hurt you now Rose so stay away from him.." Tom started walking for the door and then turning around said with a grin "Lock the door...I'm going to find someone who can deal with Juro the Jerk..."
Turning around Tom left.

Rose gave a small sigh and turned toward Matt. He did look to good and his breathing was slow. Giving a hopeful smile Rose said "Don't worry Matt...Maybe Tom can get you a new handler...Maybe.." Looking dow at her hands Rose felt usless, there was nothing she could do. Walking toward the door Rose lock the room and went back to her bed. Sitting on it she wondered if there was anyway to help Matt.
B Scientist

Female Number of posts : 465
Age : 34
Location : Probably Making More Roleplaying People That I Really Don't Need... ^-^
Registration date : 2008-01-10

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Matt's room - Page 2 Empty Re: Matt's room

Post  Fenris Sun Jan 13, 2008 4:10 pm

I smiled at Tom. "Thank you, Tom but im fine" i lay still and look up at the ceiling. I laugh as tom made a joke about Juro. As he left i looked over at Rose, "What a eventfull day we has had huh?" I said shakly. I was tired and needed rest badly. But i wanted to talk to Rose so i stayed awake.

Male Number of posts : 60
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Location : Lost in time.....
Registration date : 2008-01-11

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Matt's room - Page 2 Empty Re: Matt's room

Post  Eclipse Sun Jan 13, 2008 4:18 pm

Smiling slightly Rose said "Yes...My first day out of the cage and I already meet someone who probably wants to kill me...Matt...I think you should try and get some sleep...Just a little...Don't worry I'll watch you" Rose walked over to Matt and held out her hand. She wanted her friend to be rested for what may come later. Rose had a bad feeling in the pit of her belly that something was going to happen. Maybe not today, but in the near future.
B Scientist

Female Number of posts : 465
Age : 34
Location : Probably Making More Roleplaying People That I Really Don't Need... ^-^
Registration date : 2008-01-10

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Matt's room - Page 2 Empty Re: Matt's room

Post  Fenris Sun Jan 13, 2008 4:22 pm

I touch her hand softly. "Your right, i need my energy." i spoke with hardly any energy to talk. I close my eyes "Goodnight Rose." then a slowly drift into a deep sleep.

Male Number of posts : 60
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Matt's room - Page 2 Empty Re: Matt's room

Post  Eclipse Sun Jan 13, 2008 4:27 pm

Rose quitely walked over to the table and sat down. She continued her work and started to draw once more. She loved to draw and when she was in the cage a nice handler would leave her paper and pencils sometimes. Looking at the half finsihed drawing Rose gave a smile and started on it once.
B Scientist

Female Number of posts : 465
Age : 34
Location : Probably Making More Roleplaying People That I Really Don't Need... ^-^
Registration date : 2008-01-10

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Matt's room - Page 2 Empty Re: Matt's room

Post  Fenris Mon Jan 14, 2008 8:56 am

I woke with a start and gave a quick yell. I was just dreaming about the past and furture. Nothing to bad, i looked over to see Rose asleep, i smiled. My back felt so much better then before. I stand up and shake my head while putting my trainers on. After grabbing my jacket, i moved quietly over to Rose's bed. There was a pen and a drawing. I didnt look it wasnt mine so i pulled out a little peice of paper. I wrote on it quickley. "Good morning.Your proberly wondering were i am. Ive gone for a shower and then to get some food. Meet me there soon as you can. Thanks Matt xx." I placed the paper in her hand and moved to the door. I opened it and walk out.

Male Number of posts : 60
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Location : Lost in time.....
Registration date : 2008-01-11

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Matt's room - Page 2 Empty Re: Matt's room

Post  Eclipse Mon Jan 14, 2008 9:24 am

Rose woke with a start and find a piece of paper in her hand. She gave a smile as she read it and hoped that Matt would be find for a couple of hours. Getting off the bed Rose gave a sound and her friend Blue flew down from the rafters. Stroking his head gentle Rose said softly "What should we do now?" Looking around the room Rose thought it would be nice to walk around and strech her wings. Walking over to the door Rose walked down the hall towards the field, maybe she could get a little flying in today.

((To the field!))
B Scientist

Female Number of posts : 465
Age : 34
Location : Probably Making More Roleplaying People That I Really Don't Need... ^-^
Registration date : 2008-01-10

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Matt's room - Page 2 Empty Re: Matt's room

Post  Eclipse Fri Jan 18, 2008 8:21 am

Demyx walked into the room still in his panther form, then turning round he looked at his handler. Kathleen folded her arm cross her chest and said "Don't look at me that way..Here's your card to get in the room..Which you will be sharing with two other hybrids..Rose and Matt..Now you can roam anyway in the dome, but if you attack or try to leave you will be killed or put back into your cage..Now don't do that..So have fun.." Kathleen gave a warm smile and lefted. Demyx looked around the room and jumped on that bed that wasn't messed up, putting his head on his black paws he wondered what was going to happen to him. "Well..Better see what this place is like.." Demyx saud as he jumped off the bed and turned into his human form. Brushing the dust from his black jacket Demyx left the dorm and headed toward to mall area.

((To the food court!))
B Scientist

Female Number of posts : 465
Age : 34
Location : Probably Making More Roleplaying People That I Really Don't Need... ^-^
Registration date : 2008-01-10

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