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Scooter and Britney

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Scooter and Britney Empty Scooter and Britney

Post  Midoriko Sat Jan 12, 2008 8:37 am

Name: Scooter
Nickname: Lil Speeda'
Age: 10
Assigned number: 223518
Binding word: Nevolia
Injection: A White Mountain wolf.
Power(s): Has the power to run an amazing speed, and can shoot "Whirlpools" Which are shocks that if it touches the enemy, it shall shock them.
Gender: Male
Hair: White
Eyes: Blue Eyes
Height: 4"6
Weight: 98 lb.
Body: A normal type of body, not to strong, not to skinny.
clothes: As displayed on picture.
Scars or other markings: None.
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Not now.
History: Lived up in the cold mountain areas, causing his black hair to go white. Having a few good powers, he lives in the lonely mountains of the United States. As he grew to his now age, things strange have happend, a war he saw in the valley has made him retreat to the top of the mountains. The goverment has been searching for him, he has been hiding in a small, but puzzling cave. As he grows through the years, the time comes... As time passes, he sees goverment running after him. He yells loud at them, angrily, running to the top area. As helicopters search, the final hour comes, a voice goes in his head, "This is the way the world ends..." *Helicopter lights shine* "My eyes!!" *gets shot and falls to the floor.*

Name: Britney Halou
Nickname: Seagirl
Assigned Hybrid: Scooter
age: 26
Hair: Mix of red/pink
eyes: Brown
Height: 7"2'
Weight: 136
Clothes: Displayed in Picture
Scares or other markings: None
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: She hasn't seen anyone she's liked, No.
History: After a time of life, she's had some problems on her own, her parents have died in a crash that happend right when they left their work buildings, a plane came flaming straight into the building. They had a horrible death. She was lonely, seperating herself from the world. The HWMI then found her and presented her a job, she accepted.
Played by: Lil robot.
Powerful Hybrid

Female Number of posts : 236
Age : 33
Location : Depends on who's ask'in and what ya want with me.
Registration date : 2008-01-04

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