Gifted but Caged
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Athena and Kia

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Athena and Kia Empty Athena and Kia

Post  Midoriko Mon Jan 14, 2008 6:08 pm

Name: Athena
Age: 17
Assigned number: 2613
Binding word: Disease
Injection: Eagle
Power(s): Can turn into a bird and call apon other brids
Gender: Female
Hair: Blonde with a Blue streak on bang
Eyes: Yellowish greenish
Height: medium
Weight: average
Body: She has a a nice average body. She has alot of leg muscle though. She has big Eagle Wings in her normal form but turns into a bald eagle when she morphs. She is also very pretty.
clothes: Has a pink tank top and black bellbottoms. She also has a black tuke with a heart with wings on it.
Scars or other markings She has one scar on each eye
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: none
History: She used to live in the country side and went to school like any other teen her age. She had many friends and was popular. She was considered a tomboy in the school. She was not the preppy type and hates preppies.

She wanted to be an author and work at a wildlife reserve when she grew up, but those dreams were shattered when she got taken away from her family and friends. She dreams that she will one day be free again.

Name: Kia
Assigned Hybrid: Athena
Gender: Man
age: 28
Hair: Brown
eyes: hazel
Height: tall and muscular
Weight: average
Clothes: Has a navy blue shirtless top and dark blue jeans.
Scares or other markings: none
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: none
History: He always hated birds. He hated how they woke him up in the morning with there singing and the poop they left everywhere. One time when he had just finished a masterpiece he had carved himself, a bird pooped on it. He hates birds now, so you can imagine how happy he was to get Athena
Played by: Kodiak
Powerful Hybrid

Female Number of posts : 236
Age : 33
Location : Depends on who's ask'in and what ya want with me.
Registration date : 2008-01-04

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