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Post  Eclipse Wed Jan 16, 2008 4:03 pm

Ok So pretty much what you do is make up a person and then you can start..Like this..

Name: Kate Flame
Nickname: Kate
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Job: Bounty Hunter
Age: 25
Hair: Light brown and long
Eyes: Blue
Height: About 5.6
Weight: About 125 pounds
Personality: She loves her work and would do anything to finish them. Tends to get in trouble for sometimes taking other Bounty Hunter's bounties. She also likes to use her looks to get what she wants.
Weapons: She has two pistols, a sickle looking knife, long range sniper, a light bow (Which is like a lightsabor only it has a bow handle and it shots out light arrows), Watch that can turn her invisible for a couple of minutes and short range rifle.
Clothes: She has on a tight top that has short sleeves and shows the top of her breast. Long legged tight pants that have rips around the legs. Her belly is showing and she wears a black belt to hold her weapons.
History: Kate is the first woman Bounty Hunter to kill more then a male. Her mother was a Bounty Hunter that showed her how to do everything and kill. At the age of 5 her mother was killed and Kate went to live with her mothers friend, who was also a Bounty Hunter. After turning 20 Kate become one of the best women Bounty Hunters.
Ship: The FlameHunter (Looks looks like a jet only much bigger)

Kinda like that..Anyway after you fill yours out go ahead and play. ^-^ But plz fallow the story line at hand..Don't go off on your own.

Last edited by on Thu Jan 17, 2008 8:07 am; edited 1 time in total
B Scientist

Female Number of posts : 465
Age : 34
Location : Probably Making More Roleplaying People That I Really Don't Need... ^-^
Registration date : 2008-01-10

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Post  Lil Robot Wed Jan 16, 2008 4:15 pm

Name: Johnmy
Nickname: Master Cheif
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Job: Bounty Hunter
Age: 18 (hehe, I'm a teen version)
Hair: White
Eyes: Green
Height: 6"3'
Weight: 200
Personality: He likes to kill the enemy.
Weapons: He holds 1 Machine Gun, and a quick-reload Sniper
Clothes/Appearance: Displayed in Picture
Ship: (I hope it's alright if I take one from halo lol) A LF135 LongSword fighter, I might post a pic.
(heh, I look like Scooter.)

Picture: Star Wars RP Th_2310

Well I'm ready, We should start in our ships going to the hangar of our first space station lol

Last edited by on Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:16 pm; edited 2 times in total
Lil Robot
Lil Robot
C Scientist

Male Number of posts : 355
Location : Down the street, to the next city..
Registration date : 2008-01-11

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Post  Eclipse Wed Jan 16, 2008 4:33 pm

((Ok, but change his eyes to green...John has green eyes..Or brown..Don't remember..))

Kate Flame watched the ships pass the space port. Giving a small grin she waited for the meeting to be over, she needed the info from her informent. Standing on deck Kate turned and watched ships coming in and out of the port. She gave another smile and thought of her own ship, the FlameHunter. It was a really good ship and could porbably beat anything in a race, well except for the Falon, but who really cared. "I bet it could beat the Slave 1 of Fetts" Thought Kate as she continued to watch. Then turning toward the door she saw her infoment walk out. Walking toward the small male Kate crossed her arms and said "Well? Anything?" The man gave her a small grin and said "There's a bounty of the head of a guy named Kevin...Poor fellow got into some trouble with the Hutts and now they want him bad...Pay good to." Kate gave her informent a smile then said "Jake you never let me down...The info on my ship?" Jake gave Kate a small nod and added "You better let me on some of that credit you get...I don't work for free.."

Giving a small laugh Kate replied "Do any of us do? Very well se ya later.." Walking toward her ship Kate thought that nothing could keep her from her money or bounty.
B Scientist

Female Number of posts : 465
Age : 34
Location : Probably Making More Roleplaying People That I Really Don't Need... ^-^
Registration date : 2008-01-10

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Star Wars RP Empty Re: Star Wars RP

Post  Lil Robot Wed Jan 16, 2008 4:36 pm

A loud sound was heard near the space port, a ship called the L135 Longsword Fighter crashed in the spaceport, the driver was walking back near the door, trying to break it open. I then broke it open and walked out, on my armor's chest, it was scratched up. I wondered where I was, "Where the heck am I..?!" I said, running through the door into the halls, I noticed a bounty hunter..
Lil Robot
Lil Robot
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Male Number of posts : 355
Location : Down the street, to the next city..
Registration date : 2008-01-11

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Star Wars RP Empty Re: Star Wars RP

Post  Eclipse Wed Jan 16, 2008 4:46 pm

Kate turned down the hall to hear a crashing sound coming from the hanger. Running down the hall Kate pulled her short range rifle and looked around the hall to see a man in armor she had never seen before. "What the Hell?" Was as she said before an alarm sounded and gaurds came rushing out to the man. One gaurd pointed a gun at the armor wearing man and said "Put your weapons down sir and come with me...If you don't you will be killed.." All the gaurds pointed their weapons at the man and waited. Kate put her gun down a little to get a better look, this guy was wired looking and he seemed to be in a fog. "Well not my problem.." Kate thought and she turned down another hall toward her ship. "Maybe the guy will learn how no to crash into a hanger...Stupid.." Kate said under her breath as she ran to her ship.
B Scientist

Female Number of posts : 465
Age : 34
Location : Probably Making More Roleplaying People That I Really Don't Need... ^-^
Registration date : 2008-01-10

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Post  Lil Robot Wed Jan 16, 2008 4:47 pm

I slowly put my hands up, I was ready to have some action...when I finished putting my hands up I kicked a guard and punched the other two, chasing after the girl I saw, pulling out my rifle.."You! Stop!" I yelled, chasing her..

Last edited by on Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:07 pm; edited 1 time in total
Lil Robot
Lil Robot
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Male Number of posts : 355
Location : Down the street, to the next city..
Registration date : 2008-01-11

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Post  Eclipse Wed Jan 16, 2008 4:51 pm

((Lil Robot the rifle is mine...Not yours..))

Kate turned to see the armor man chasing after her. "Dam what does he want.." Kate thought as she picked up speed and ran around a corner. After a minute she saw her ship and run up to it. Getting in Kate started it up and headed for the open door. Hopefully she would loss the wacko and she would be able to get on with her bounty work. "Men are just getting wireder and wireder.." Kate said to herself as she headed out into space.

((Sorry have to go..Dinner..BRB))
B Scientist

Female Number of posts : 465
Age : 34
Location : Probably Making More Roleplaying People That I Really Don't Need... ^-^
Registration date : 2008-01-10

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Star Wars RP Empty Re: Star Wars RP

Post  Lil Robot Wed Jan 16, 2008 4:56 pm

((I forgot to put I pulled OUT my rifle..))

I ran chasing her into the hangar, I ran up in my ship, running a quick repair and I started, chasing her..I was charging the weapons and I was at full speed..I kept shooting, getting her to turn and trying to get her to land on the planet below.
Lil Robot
Lil Robot
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Male Number of posts : 355
Location : Down the street, to the next city..
Registration date : 2008-01-11

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Post  Eclipse Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:12 pm

"What the!.." Kate saw the another ship was following her's and shooting at it. "That little.." Kate thought as she turned around and started to shot the one behind her. "Must be that crazy man...Why do they always go after me.." Kate wondered as she watched the other ship continue to shoot at her ship. Then turning around Kate headed out into the black space and hit the hyperdrive. "If his follows me through this then I'm giving that guy a medal..For stupidness." Thought Kate as she began to slip through space. After a couple of minutes she came out the other side. Looking around Kate saw that the other ship was gone and giving a small smile she said to herself "Well got him.."

Then turning her ship down she headed toward the blue planet below to see what damage her ship had taken. Landing on a small ground platform, Kate got out and started to look around her ship. Nothing seem to bad, but her ship had gotten burned a little. "Dam men...Can't keep to themselves.." Kate cursed under her breath as she walked back into her ship and looked at the information Jake had giving her.
B Scientist

Female Number of posts : 465
Age : 34
Location : Probably Making More Roleplaying People That I Really Don't Need... ^-^
Registration date : 2008-01-10

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Post  Lil Robot Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:15 pm

A small radio contact came in, saying, "I was chasing you cause I NEED you to help me destroy something that threatens you and your people!" the voice said, It was the man that was chasing her. All at once the ship came through a portal and landed right in front of her, I sat looking through the front window at her, the bottom door was opening up.
Lil Robot
Lil Robot
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Male Number of posts : 355
Location : Down the street, to the next city..
Registration date : 2008-01-11

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Post  Eclipse Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:22 pm

"What THE!" Kate cired as the ship landed in front of her's. She saw the armored man walk out and stand looking up at her. She couldn't see his face through the helmet of his and she wondered what he had been talking about. "Jeez this guy reminds me of Boba Fett...Never shows his face.." Kate thought as she opened her ships door and dropped to the ground. Laying her hand on her short range rilfe Kate gave the armored man a nasty stare and said "What the hell do you want and what do you mean by distory my people?" Kate tried to look into the helmet, but it sowed her nothing.

Then crossing her arms she added "Are you on for those Bounty Hunters that what my bounty? Well you can't have it.." Kate looked at the man closely and wondered were he had gotten the armor. The only other person Kate could think of that wore armor like that was Boba Fett and he was somewere on the other side of the galicxy.

((Sorry for my spelling..Can't think..Lolol))
B Scientist

Female Number of posts : 465
Age : 34
Location : Probably Making More Roleplaying People That I Really Don't Need... ^-^
Registration date : 2008-01-10

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Star Wars RP Empty Re: Star Wars RP

Post  Lil Robot Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:26 pm

"I'm thinking that The Covenant has come here, and has made a weapon that could destroy the old space station has crashed on the gigantic space weapon, I need your help to get in and self destruct the space station, and the weapon will explode.." I said, asking her, "You should know about this, don't you?" I then stared at her..

Last edited by on Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:34 pm; edited 2 times in total
Lil Robot
Lil Robot
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Male Number of posts : 355
Location : Down the street, to the next city..
Registration date : 2008-01-11

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Star Wars RP Empty Re: Star Wars RP

Post  Eclipse Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:29 pm

((Thats better thank you..))

Kate looked at the guy and wondered what nut ben he had come from. "The what? Never heard of them before..." Kate said giving her hand a wave. "What in the hell have you been drinking?? Becuase it works really good pal...Now if you don't mind I have to get back to my line of work so just go off and play with some nice little worms....Maybe if your lucky they will eat you.." Kate started to walk back toward her ship. Now she was really late and needed to get to her bounty before Jake told someone else. "Thats all I need is someone taking whats mine.." She said under her breath.
B Scientist

Female Number of posts : 465
Age : 34
Location : Probably Making More Roleplaying People That I Really Don't Need... ^-^
Registration date : 2008-01-10

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Star Wars RP Empty Re: Star Wars RP

Post  Lil Robot Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:38 pm

All at once, a huge purple portal appeared in the sky..A large covenant ship came out destroying thousands of space stations and ships. I said "It's them!" really loud, shooting a rocket at it, doing no good "Sh*t!" I ran into my ship and started to run towards the ship, I had to get a portal to the weapon..and fast..I asked the Kate through a radio, "Could you freakin' help me?!"
Lil Robot
Lil Robot
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Male Number of posts : 355
Location : Down the street, to the next city..
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Star Wars RP Empty Re: Star Wars RP

Post  Eclipse Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:47 pm

"What the HELL!" Kate said as she watched the big ship fly through the new portal. Turning toward the armor guy Kate said "Well looks like your friends followed you here...Jeez thanks for brign this trouble here...Not enough we have Sith, but now this!" Kate pointed toward the ship. Then she crossed her arms and said "I'm a Bounty Hunter not a Storm Trooper...But I'll help you a little..I'll lead the ship and you try to find something to blow the crap out of it.." Getting into her ship Kate wondered why she said she would help. "Well I guess I'm a sucker for guys in armor.." She said under her breath as her ship took off.

Turning toward the purple ship Kate shot a couple of times and raced away. Looking back she saw that the ship following her. Giving a small smile Kate thought "Hopefully that guy will find soemthing to blow that thing up...Or It's good bye me.."
B Scientist

Female Number of posts : 465
Age : 34
Location : Probably Making More Roleplaying People That I Really Don't Need... ^-^
Registration date : 2008-01-10

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Star Wars RP Empty Re: Star Wars RP

Post  Lil Robot Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:50 pm

My ship was loaded with nukes, I was flying to the ship until a beam shot Kate, she was flying straight on down.."SH*T!!!!" I yelled, I was trying to blow the ship but then it summoned a portal, I shot it and it was falling..I was trying to find Kate.."I don't know how I'm gonna get her out of there without her dieing.." I was following the ship..

Last edited by on Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:59 pm; edited 1 time in total
Lil Robot
Lil Robot
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Male Number of posts : 355
Location : Down the street, to the next city..
Registration date : 2008-01-11

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Star Wars RP Empty Re: Star Wars RP

Post  Eclipse Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:54 pm

((Thank you..MC doesn't know Kate's name ether so just put girls name))

Kate felt her head pounding and she looked around to see her ship. It was tilted slightly, but not to damaged. Walking out the back Kate looked around and saw that one of her ships wings had been bent and was laying wired. Putting her hands on her head Kate gave a small sigh and said "Well this sucks..." Then turning she saw the armored guys ship land near hers.
B Scientist

Female Number of posts : 465
Age : 34
Location : Probably Making More Roleplaying People That I Really Don't Need... ^-^
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Post  Lil Robot Wed Jan 16, 2008 6:08 pm

I ran out, punching the door trying to break it open.."Hey girl, ya in there?" I finally punched the door open...I ran over to the girl, "Are you okay..?" I asked, she had a mad face at me as I slowly backed up towards my ship..I then stared at the was about to close.."Oh crap.." I said, pulling her out..."Come on! Get in my ship!" I was waiting for her to get in..I started turning it on while she was getting in..

(It was in the crashed space station...the warthog was there..)

Last edited by on Wed Jan 16, 2008 6:22 pm; edited 3 times in total
Lil Robot
Lil Robot
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Male Number of posts : 355
Location : Down the street, to the next city..
Registration date : 2008-01-11

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Post  Eclipse Wed Jan 16, 2008 6:10 pm

((Grrr....Lil Robot I know your young, but plz try to follow my posts...Kate's ship is not going to blow up the wing is just bent...And How did MC get a Worthog? It won't fit...Maybe a Mongoose, but not a Worthog..Plz read my post before making your own up or it will just get confusing...Thank you. Shes OUTSIDE the ship..))
B Scientist

Female Number of posts : 465
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Location : Probably Making More Roleplaying People That I Really Don't Need... ^-^
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Post  Lil Robot Wed Jan 16, 2008 6:15 pm

(I didnt know what to post! Sad )
Lil Robot
Lil Robot
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Male Number of posts : 355
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Post  Eclipse Wed Jan 16, 2008 6:20 pm

((Ok Here's what happend..Kate was letting the ship case her and MC used his rockets, but it missed the ship because it went into a portal. Before it went into the portal it shot Kate's ship down and now MC is going to see if she is ok..Got it? ))

Kate walked out of her brocken ship and crossed her arms. That new armor wearing guy would have to tell her something. "He is in for a lot of trouble." Kate said under her breath.
B Scientist

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Post  Lil Robot Wed Jan 16, 2008 6:26 pm

I watched her get in my ship.."Come on already.." I started it up and started flying into the portal..everything stretched in our view then went normal size as we went towards a weird ring in space..
Lil Robot
Lil Robot
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Post  Eclipse Wed Jan 16, 2008 6:30 pm

After walking into the armor guy's ship Kate walked up behind him and folded her arms "Well...This is a big old mess you got me into...I hope you are going to pay for repairs for my ship..." Kate said. Then heading toward the portal Kate grab the back of the chair and said "What are you!..." Then they went through the portal and after a minute were out. Kate looked out the front window to see a strange ring floating outside the ship. The purple ship was heading toward and Kate asked "Ok...Now you tell me...What the hell is that thing...and who are you?"
B Scientist

Female Number of posts : 465
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Location : Probably Making More Roleplaying People That I Really Don't Need... ^-^
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Star Wars RP Empty Re: Star Wars RP

Post  Lil Robot Wed Jan 16, 2008 6:33 pm

"That, that is Halo..It could destroy the universe..your universe is like mine..and were outside of a galaxy right now..this portal stretched across millions of lightyears and brought us here...and I'm the Master Cheif of UNSC army of high defense.." I said, flying towards the ring..the ship got shot by the covenant ship and I jumped into a banshee attached to the back.."Grab onto the side.." I said, flying off as the ship went flaming onto the covenant ship..I flew towards a space station and it was crashed on the ring, the Banshee was damaged and I crashed into a lifepod opening on the space station.."Get out, follow me.." I said..
Lil Robot
Lil Robot
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Post  Eclipse Wed Jan 16, 2008 6:40 pm

Kate jumped onto the wired planet like thing and walked toward Master Chief. "Well Master Chief nice to meet you...Well not really, but what ever" Kate looked up toward the top of the ring and said "Why the hell would your..Convenant would want with this I have no idea...Pretty though." Grabbing one of her pistols Kate turned toward the Chiaf and asked "OK what next?"
B Scientist

Female Number of posts : 465
Age : 34
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