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Kitten and Danny

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Kitten and Danny Empty Kitten and Danny

Post  Midoriko Fri Jan 18, 2008 5:38 am

Name: Kitten
Nickname: Kitteh
Age: 10
Assigned number: 235146
Binding word: ClawFight
Injection: Female Wolf (All I could think of pls.)
Power(s): Has the 'Whirlpool' power, you should know what it does..if cant remember, it delivers a shock to whoever touches the wavy star-looking thing, and can use a 'Sidekick Energy' thing to move certain things without touching..
Gender: Female
Hair: In Pic Ples.
Eyes: Pic ples.
Height: 4"6'
Weight: 98 lb.
Body: Just a normal type.
clothes: Displayed in picture
Scars or other markings: None
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: None.
History: As a young girl, she loved the open explore and find new things..She got caught in a war and ran away...she was afraid when her family died, she hid until the war was over. When she came outside of her spot..the world was ruined. Fog came at a medium speed, the color of dirt..a shadow appeared in the fog and then more. She started running, throwing objects like big statues, and balcony holds from huge museums. She kept running until all at once..she was shot and asleep..
Picture: Kitten and Danny Th_ani12

Name: Danny
Nickname: Dannio
Assigned Hybrid: Kitten
age: 28
Hair: In pic.
eyes: In pic.
Height: 6"3'
Weight: 122
Clothes: Pic.
Scars or other markings: None
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Hasn't given up hope.
History: His family was killed in a war..the World War, the third one..He kept runnin' around the world as he was finding others..After a few years or so, the goverment called 'HWMI' presented him a job, he accepted as soon as he heard the word "Goverment"
Picture: Kitten and Danny The_pw11
Played by: Lil Robot
Powerful Hybrid

Female Number of posts : 236
Age : 33
Location : Depends on who's ask'in and what ya want with me.
Registration date : 2008-01-04

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