Gifted but Caged
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Pet Store

Lil Robot
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Pet Store Empty Pet Store

Post  Midoriko Mon Jan 14, 2008 12:28 pm

Animals for sale: Hybrid animals for sale:
Cats (4 in stock) Cat-Fox (2)
Dogs (3) Dog-cat (7)
Frogs (30) reptile-bird(2)
Birds (20) cat-bird (7)
Fish (150) Wolf-Tiger (1)
Ligers (2) Bear-Tiger (2)
Tigons (1)

Post here on what animal you wish to obtain, then create a profile on them.

Last edited by on Fri Jan 18, 2008 7:48 am; edited 1 time in total
Powerful Hybrid

Female Number of posts : 236
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Location : Depends on who's ask'in and what ya want with me.
Registration date : 2008-01-04

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Pet Store Empty Re: Pet Store

Post  Lil Robot Tue Jan 15, 2008 5:21 pm

((I want to buy a Cat-Fox, I already put a topic in the Pet Docummentation.))

I walked in and saw pets everywhere..I looked at a Black Cat-Fox...I looked at it asleep, I decided I wanted to buy it, so I picked up its small cage, and put it on the counter.. "I would like to buy this pet, here's the 50$." I gave the cashier the 50$, I picked a collar. I picked one that was lined with diamonds. I said "Hmm...I'll call you..BlackSidney" The cat meowed a happy one, I also bought some toys, she was happy with them. I bought food and litter too, then I took the cat into the dorm.

Last edited by on Tue Jan 15, 2008 5:48 pm; edited 3 times in total
Lil Robot
Lil Robot
C Scientist

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Location : Down the street, to the next city..
Registration date : 2008-01-11

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Pet Store Empty Re: Pet Store

Post  Eclipse Tue Jan 15, 2008 5:43 pm

(I made one too...FlamedBounty)

Reina was walking past a couple of stores when a new one got her attention. They had put a pet store into the mall and Reina walked up to the window looking inside. She smiled as a couple of fox-cats ran up to the window and began to bark-meow at her. Walking into the store Reina saw all types of new hybrid pets from cats to dogs to cat-birds and dog-cats. Smiling Reina walked around the store until she came to the cat-bird area and stopped, befor he she saw a litter of cat-birds. Hanger her hand down in the cage Reina gave each one a pat, but one of them cought her eye. The cat had the same color red as her hair and Reina watched as the cat-bird licked it's paw. "Arn't you cute..." Reina said as she picked up the cat-bird and stroked her. Carring her to the casher and said "How much for the cat-birds?" The hybrid casher looked at Reina and said "$60 bucks...Plus food, litter and toys...O ya we are having a sale so if you buy her you get a free coller...Which one would you like?" Reina looked at the collers and said "Red please.." After paying for her pet Reina walked out of the shopped with the cat-bird in a small cage. Looking at her Reina gave a smile and said "What should I call you...Ummm How about FlamedBounty....But maybe Bounty for short.." The cat-bird gave a meow as she looked up at Reina.

Reina walked back into the food court and found Hunter and Hicoyo still sitting at the table. Thore was still there as well. "Hi guys.." Reina said as she walked back to them "Look what I got...It's a cat-bird...Cute huh? Her names FlamedBounty.." Reina down at her pet and turned back toward Hunter and Hicoyo.
B Scientist

Female Number of posts : 465
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Location : Probably Making More Roleplaying People That I Really Don't Need... ^-^
Registration date : 2008-01-10

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Pet Store Empty Re: Pet Store

Post  BlackFang Tue Jan 15, 2008 6:35 pm

Poseidon saw Scooter go to look at the new shop so he thought he might as well too. It took him a bit longer because he couldn't fly, but he got there. He was looking around when he saw a small bird. It was proud and puffed it's chest out. It had red eyes that captured him instantly. Walking over to the clerk he asked, "How much for that bird over there?" when he found it was 30$ for the bird and 20$ for the cage and food. Taking his new pet he went over to the food court. He was hungry again.

Strong Hybrid

Male Number of posts : 166
Age : 31
Registration date : 2008-01-12

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Pet Store Empty Re: Pet Store

Post  Kodiak Thu Jan 17, 2008 5:06 pm

((all ready made Breeze's profile.))

Athena walked into the pet store with Piosieden with her. She looked at the adorble cat foxes and the neat ligers. But then a pretty white dove cuaght her eye. She walked over to it and put her finger in it's cage. It hopped over to her finger and began to knaw on it softly. She really liked this dove. She wanted to get a bird so that she could fly around with it when she morphed into her eagle form. She lifted up the cage and went to the paying counter. The bird was 40$ and the cage, food and water was in a special set for only 15$. Athena paid and went to show Pioseiden. "Hey, look at this new dove that I got!" She said happily. The Dove then let out a cold icy breath and froze a part of her metal cage. She chirped happily as if she wanted to show her little talent off on purpose. "Hey, I think I will name you Breeze! For your icy breath." She said to the little dove. The dove chirped happily and flew around in her cage.
Strong Hybrid

Female Number of posts : 147
Age : 30
Registration date : 2008-01-08

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Pet Store Empty Re: Pet Store

Post  BlackFang Thu Jan 17, 2008 5:22 pm

"Hey I got a bird too!" he said, then jumped a bit when he saw what the little dove could do. "Breeze does sound like a fitting name." he added, trying to regain his dignity. He couldn't believe a small bird had made him jump. "Do you know where your dorm is?" he asked, it didn't do much to have a pet, but no place to put it.

Strong Hybrid

Male Number of posts : 166
Age : 31
Registration date : 2008-01-12

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Pet Store Empty Re: Pet Store

Post  Kodiak Thu Jan 17, 2008 5:27 pm

"Oh yeah! I forgot! I need to find my dorm. I think I'll take Breeze out of her cage and let her tag along with me for a bit." Athena said. She took Breeze out of her stuffy cage and let her perch on her shoulder. "Okay, Breeze, I am in dorm number 23 and the window is open. Fly in there and drop of these belonging. Okay?" Athena asked the Breeze. Breeze nodded and picked up all of the stuff. This dove was abnormally strong! Breeze flew away and came back a couple minutes later. Athena turned to Pioseiden. "Alright, where to next?" Athena asked.
Strong Hybrid

Female Number of posts : 147
Age : 30
Registration date : 2008-01-08

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Pet Store Empty Re: Pet Store

Post  BlackFang Thu Jan 17, 2008 6:11 pm

"How about we take a tour of the greenhouse?" Poseidon asked. He was getting a bit confused now. He had only just met Athena, yet he felt like they were close friends. "They have a waterfall there, and plains, and also a small forest." he said, walking towards the dome he decided to ask her what hybrid she was, "So what do you turn into?"

Strong Hybrid

Male Number of posts : 166
Age : 31
Registration date : 2008-01-12

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Pet Store Empty Re: Pet Store

Post  Kodiak Thu Jan 17, 2008 6:15 pm

"Oh, I morph into an eagle. It is pretty fun to fly. Thats part of the reason I got this little flying dove, to fly with. What do you turn into?" Athena asked while still walking with Pioseiden toward the greenhouse.
Strong Hybrid

Female Number of posts : 147
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Registration date : 2008-01-08

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Pet Store Empty Re: Pet Store

Post  BlackFang Thu Jan 17, 2008 6:34 pm

"I'll show you when we get to the waterfall." Poseidon said laughing a bit. He knew that he didn't have much patience, but he wanted to see how much Athena had. "I wish I could turn into a flying animal, and a swimming animal." he said, staring into the sky as they arrived at the dome.

(to the greenhouse)

Strong Hybrid

Male Number of posts : 166
Age : 31
Registration date : 2008-01-12

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Pet Store Empty Re: Pet Store

Post  MinaKitsune Thu Jan 17, 2008 8:28 pm

I walked into the pet store, just noticing they added one. I looked around and noticed animals in cages all over the store, one caught my eye the most though, it was a black cat-bird, it looked like the bird was a hawk. that cat part was black also. I walked over to the cat/bird's cage and picked it up, I brought it to the register and took $60 out of my pocket and put it on the counter, I looked at the cat/bird and it mewed cutely, looking up at me with her yellow golden eyes. I smiled at her, I was going to name her Midnight. I looked around and noticed a black and blue striped cat scarf, I laughed and picked it up, grabbing some cat food and cat litter, I picked up a cat box also and payed for everything else I got.

(( I'm making the pet description right now lol ))

Female Number of posts : 53
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Location : A Cage.
Registration date : 2008-01-07

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Pet Store Empty Re: Pet Store

Post  Midoriko Fri Jan 18, 2008 7:50 am

Hicoyo walked into the store, Rei behind her. She rubbed her nose, it dident exactly smell like a garden in here. She moved forward seeing a lot of little animals, and some big ones to. She smiled and turned around to face Rei. "I want to get one, what do you think?" She asked.
Powerful Hybrid

Female Number of posts : 236
Age : 33
Location : Depends on who's ask'in and what ya want with me.
Registration date : 2008-01-04

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Pet Store Empty Re: Pet Store

Post  Eclipse Fri Jan 18, 2008 7:58 am

Reina gave her a smile and said "Sure..Why not..Even a evil minded hybrid like myself got one.." Reina laughed at her joke and then looked around the store. "So what do you want then?" Reina asked as she took FlamedBounty out of her cage and placed her on her shoulder. The cat/bird sat there looking around, but never left her masters shoulder once. Giving FlamedBounty a rub behind the ear Reina added "While your looking I'm going to be over there looking for a coller..See ya soon.." Reina walked over to the coller area and looked around, she wanted a coller that would make Bounty look cute, but not to much. Then she saw dark green one with a red flamed jewel on the bottom. Taking it off the rack Reina placed it around Bountys head and onto her neck. "So what you think Bounty?" Reina said to her cat gentle. The cat gave a small meow and purred, smiling to herself Reina knew this was the right fit.
B Scientist

Female Number of posts : 465
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Pet Store Empty Re: Pet Store

Post  Midoriko Fri Jan 18, 2008 8:09 am

"Okay!" Hicoyo said and then began to walk around the store, looking at the animals. She soon came to a small cage that was sitting on the floor inside were two small animals, the sign on the cage said "Cat-Fox Hybrid" Hicoyo smiled again as she looked at one of the catfox's. She wasent any bigger than a small squarl, but twice as pretty. She was mostly oragne, with golden eyes. Her ears were tipped black as well as her paws, a black M was placed on her forhead and the main around her neck was also black. The small animal hybrid also had an unusual trait, she carried three tails, that were tipped in white, like fox. She smiled and reached into the cage to pet the small animal but when she got to close, it backed into a corner and began to growl somthing feirce. "It's okay girl, I won't hurt you." She said in a whisper as she reached forward again. This time, Hicoyo flinched as the small animal sunk its fangs into her finger. Blood dripped from her finger but still she smiled at the animal. "Your scared, I was I, for a time...but I would sooner hurt myself than you." With her other hand Hicoyo reached forward and stroked the small hybrids soft fur. It made a small whining sound in it's throat and then released her finger, and began to clean to the wound she had inflicketed. Hicoyo smiled and picked her up.
Powerful Hybrid

Female Number of posts : 236
Age : 33
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Registration date : 2008-01-04

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Pet Store Empty Re: Pet Store

Post  Eclipse Fri Jan 18, 2008 8:14 am

Reina walked over toward Hicoyo and smiled "Well you have a friend there..Maybe she and Bounty can be friends.." Reina said point up toward Bounty who looked down at the cat/fox and gave a huff, then turning away. Reina gave the cat/bird a sigh and said "Don't worry..She will get better..I hope.." Then taking over Bountys coller Reina added "Lets go pay for them and then we can go clothes shopping...I want to get a really nice outfit for Scooters conert tonight..." Then walking up toward the counter Reina paided for the coller and waited for Hicoyo.
B Scientist

Female Number of posts : 465
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Location : Probably Making More Roleplaying People That I Really Don't Need... ^-^
Registration date : 2008-01-10

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Pet Store Empty Re: Pet Store

Post  Midoriko Fri Jan 18, 2008 8:27 am

The cat-fox growled loudly at the cat-bird and ran up Hicoyo's shoulder and hid in her long red hair. Hicoyo laughed and followed after Rei. The woman behind the register smiled and typed somthing in. "Name, number, and handler please." "Hicoyo, 43, Kiki Novica." After a moment she handed Hicoyo a resiet and thanked her. "Let's go." Hicoyo said as the cat fox poked it's head out from under her hair.
Powerful Hybrid

Female Number of posts : 236
Age : 33
Location : Depends on who's ask'in and what ya want with me.
Registration date : 2008-01-04

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Pet Store Empty Re: Pet Store

Post  Eclipse Fri Jan 18, 2008 8:32 am

"Come on..Lets go to the All Girls..I would like to see what they have...O wait.." Reina walked quickly back into the store and then came back out. Giving Hicoyo a smile Reina said "I told them to take my stuff back to my room...I'm going to keep FlamedBounty with me though.." Reina pointed to her head as the cat/bird sat on top of it licking her paw. Then gaving a grin Reina added "They said no..but I told them that it would help a lot..Plus if they didn't their tails would be gone.." Reina lit a small fire in her hand and started to toss it up and down. Bounty watched and tried to paw at it, but Reina let it go out and said "Guess Bounty likes to play with fire...My kind of cat." Reina let out a giggle then headed toward the All Girls store.

((To the All Girls!!))
B Scientist

Female Number of posts : 465
Age : 34
Location : Probably Making More Roleplaying People That I Really Don't Need... ^-^
Registration date : 2008-01-10

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